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It's been 2 months and I just finished my exams. Next week is my graduation and i couldn't be more excited. I was in an Uber on my way to meet Omar at the masjid and from there we would go pick up our outfits for my graduation.

Funny story about the outfits actually. We are going to match. Well I'm wearing a dress and he is wearing a tux with a tie the same colours as my dress. The colour? You might ask? Pink!
I practically forced him to wear pink. Well the tie only. I wasn't that cruel. Pink is not my favourite colour, I just missed messing with him, since work was killing his moods. He'd come home exhausted everyday and as angry as ever. By now I had realised that the only way to cheer him up, is to annoy him. So last weekend I forced him to take me graduation shopping and that's were I stumbled upon a gorgeouse pink chiffon dress. It was pretty, but only came in pink. As soon as my hand fell upon it he shoved me away from the isle. Then I remembered...the guy hates pink.

When he wasn't looking I took out a couple of dressesband managed to sneak the pink one, and went to try on the dresses. We tried our things on at the same time in two separate dressing room next to each other. We both came out at the count of 3 after we found our pick.

"3!" We both yelled at the same time and came out of the dressing room.

"Subhana Allah, Ayah what is that!" Omar shreeked as I smiled at myself in the mirror.

"My outfit for grad"

"Not in that dress you're not!"

"Well I'm the damsel in this dress, so yep...I'm getting this."

The argument went in for about an hour. Well not regarding me and the dress. It was about the matching pink tie I got him. I finally won with the help of the shop assistance and Bisma who happened to be in the mall.


The Uber stopped infront of the masjid as my smile grew wider. I was excited to go get our outfits and even more to see Omar. Although work was still stressful for him, we managed to get alot of things done. We found out that the 50% shares were given to 'Omar's wife'. I would stand for it but Omar never considered me as such. The other 20 apparently was held by another family member and not the board. we needed that to fight the board. We were still scanning documents for the holder of those shares.

I walked to the masjid as the Athaan came in. I decided to pray first. After prayers I walked towards the entrance to meet Omar. He must have been tired of waiting for me.

I ran excitedly to get to him but someone must have beat me to it . 

Omar was at the gate with his uncle and they were speaking to some woman. He seemed amused and happy. I wonder what's that about. I slowed down as I approached them and my gaze fell upon the girls face. She looked farmiliar. As I got closer it became clear.

Omar was talking to...Nadeema?

Why was Nadeema talking to Omar. Was she asking about me? Or something else?

As I approached them Nadeema bid everyone goodbye and left. Imam Zaid did the same and Omar just nodded his head to me and signalled for me to follow him to the car.

The ride to the mall was silent. He said no word about Nadeema or that he met her. He didn't even ask if I saw her or that they met. Was he going to tell me? Should I ask him? But what were they talking about...that he smiled so happily about?

Is there something I'm missing here? Cleary I'm being made the fool here.

Am I overthinking this?

I'm a fool.


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