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The guy looked around my sister's age...mid twenties and gave off that business stature. He glared at me waiting for my answer as he leaned lower to my height to scold me further. He's been scholding me for the past 2 minutes giving a lecture about how important his call was and my lack of patience and decency. I mean he can't fully blame me, I was hungry after all. I decided to stay silent and lowered my head like a child being disciplined by her parents. I felt that way too, considering his height and thunderous voice. Might aswell be my dad. I giggled at the thought.

"Are you even listening to me" he shouted
To be honest I stopped like a minute ago, and just dwelled in intimidation by his appearance. Not to be judgy or anything but he gave off that arrogant selfish spoilt rich-boy vibe(not in a general sense) and I had no energy to use my big mouth.

"Are you done, can I go now." I said before walking away, but he jumped infront of me causing me to move back.

"I'm not done yet!" He yelled annoyed.
Hadn't he ever heard of personal space. Sadly as I moved back, my food fell off my plate. Great!

"Well I'm done, and I have no interest in being lectured my a selfish arrogant brute" I snapped as the hunger got to me. I was practically not in control of myself at this point. I kinda felt bad for him that he had to witness my lashing. I tend to act up when I'm either tired or hungry. But then again he was the one who started it.

"Excuse me missy the only Brute I see here is you, I don't even want to waste my time with itty bitty beggers like you" he proudly sang.

That caught a nerve. I know I wasn't dressed up to the standard of half the people in this gathering but I sure ain't no begger. My mom raised two strong women single handedly and it sure wasn't an easy task. Who is he to ensult me as such.

My blood began to boil at this point, as my anger and hunger and all the things I felt bottled up bursted. No words could come in the way anymore. I grabbed the soup bowl and pored all its content over his head.

"Wha- this suit costed a fortune...you little..."

"Serves you right for messing with me!" I proudly said folding my hands and lifting my nose up, only to be grabbed by the wrist and practically being dragged away. It was my sister. She pulled me to the side.

"Ayah couldn't you pick someone else to mess with"

"But he started it..." I whined by now half the room was staring at me in disgust and anger as the brute was escorted somewhere by one of the bridegrooms. He must have been an important guest to this event or something. Given by the amount of people who cared about his little...ehm.. accident.

"No buts, go to the car right now. I'm just gonna greet everyone and ask for forgiveness for your sake, then we're going home"

"But I didn't even eat yet"

"Serves you right, now go!" She yelled before pushing me out the door.

It was freezing outside as I walked to her car. Why great! It's locked. Now I have to wait here in the cold. I didn't even want to be at this stupid wedding anyways. I don't care if that guy was royalty or not, he was just upright rude and arrogant and he deserved what happened to him. Hmph.

After about 15 minutes, Zayda came out looking as angry as ever and opened the car. She got in as I did and drove us home. The entire ride was silent until we got home.

"Moooom...she did it again!" She yelled. My mom came running from the kitchen.

"What happened dear" my mom asked concerned.

"Why did I even take you with me?"

"You mean forced me...I didn't wanna go in the first place"

"But you had no right to embarrass me like that..."

"I'm sorry but the guy was rude ok, he started it"

"I don't wanna hear it...I'm done with you ugh..." she stumped her feet and head up to her room, before closing her door she yelled "you blew up my chances with him...I hate you for this" she banged her door shut.

Wait...what? Chances? You mean?...nonononono...


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