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The next morning I felt better than ever. My back stopped aching and it felt good to sleep in an actual bed for so long. I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom to get ready for work. On my way there I tripped on something and fell right in my face.

"Ouch!" I yelled.

Ayah must have left something there on purpose to trip me. That little nutcase is....

I turned to her furiously only to find her wrapped up in a blanket and her head resting on a pillow on the floor. My jaw dropped. This girl, will be the death of me! Why didn't she just sleep in the bed, it's no big deal? I mean we are a married couple? Then again I told her I don't consider her as my wife, and the fact that she hated me. I felt bad.

I walked closer to her and felt her temperature. She was still a bit sick but was dead asleep. I scooped her up from the floor and placed her gently on the bed, then covered her nicely with the covers. She looked so peaceful.

"Get well soon Ayah." I said then proceeded to get ready for work.



I woke up to the annoying ringing of the alarm. It was about 9 and I had an hour to get ready and get to class. It starts at 10am. I got out of bed and marched to the bathroom but stopped at the door and...

"I go out of bed? "

How did I get in bed? I remember sleeping on the...Omar!

Ok. I have to admit the snob has been a bit sweet lately. Infact I appreciated the gesture. I was getting a bit soft on him. The monster has a heart afterall. Masha Allah. But then again, it could be that he is repenting for all he's done to me.

After getting ready and eating breakfast, I took an Uber to school. The class looked awfully empty. Halved actually. Most people were missing. Did they decided to quit or what? I wasn't bothered as much until I looked around and did not see Nadeema. Yaa Allah please let her be late. I would hate it for her to leave her studies. I approached my lecturer after class and asked about the missing students.

"As part of our cariculumn, for your final year you have to do part time work for practise and experience. We halved the class so that one half can have class in the morning and work in the afternoon and the other half will do afternoon classes and work in the morning. Ofcause you would know this Ms Latief, if you bothered to show up yesterday."

"I'm sorry I wasn't feeling well sir. Is Nadeema in the second half?"

"It's alright dear. Yes she is."

"Thank you. Good afternoon"

Before I walked away he called me back and handed me an envelope. It had the name, address and place that I was appointed to work for the year.

After my second class I took an Uber to the place in the envelope. La Arias, was the name of the place. It sounded familiar actually. As soon as I got there, I realised why. It was the place we came to for the wedding decor and everything. I remembered how much I loved the decor. I can't believe I'll be working for them for part time. Of possible I'd like to work for them after my studies aswell. They were good.

Apparently that has to wait until after they actually hire me, considering I'm a day late.

I got in excitedly and was sent by the receptionist to the manenger/owner's dorm.

"Assalaam Ayah, nice to see you again!" She said instantly recognising me.

"Wa'laukum salaam. You too." I said before taking a seat.

"So what brings you here this time, is it a baby room we need to decorate?"

"No! Uh...not really." my face grew red. Yikes. I just married a brute called Omar and she suggested me having his baby. Eek!

" I came here for the job. I'm studying interior design and I was told to get a part time job for the final year." I said giving her the envelope.

"Ah, you're the missing one!" she said while smilling. I shrugged nervously.

"Yep" I said softly popping the p at the end.

"It's ok Ayah, I know you very well and you have good taste and a great eye for detail. You're also not only creative but hard working aswell. It's a good thing we've met before or else..."

my smile faded.

"You're hired!" She said excitedly.

I jumped up to hug her. Jazakallahu Khair Hamidah, I mean boss!" I said hugging her.

"Call me Hamidah, it's ok. Very excited to have you on our team. So tomorrow at 2 to 6 you ok with that?"

"Yes jazakallahu Khair."

I said, then walked out after gretting her.

Alhamdulillah. This is only the begging.


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