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An hour had passed and they seemed to still have been busy downstairs. I could hear the laughter and the praises. They seemed so happy. Happy for ruining my life. I had been crying and thinking the whole time aswell. Then a thought popped up.

I had promised Omar to help him out with the issues at work. He was helping too by getting an actual wife as one of the holders of his grandmother's shares. Ofcouse he needed a permanent wife, not just a girl he married to stand as a wife even though he never considered her as one and planned to leave eventually.

I sighed deeply.

I began clearing my luggage and hiding them in the clausets. Change of plans. I'm going to stay until we sort this whole business thing out. And when we succeed, I can ask him to divorce me. By then I'm sure he and Nadeema would be married. They are littelaty planning the thing as we speak anyways. And that too without me or my consent. Not that it was needed.

Just before I put the last bag away Omar came into the room.

"Ayah our guests are leaving. They want to gree...what are you doing?" he stopped at the door as soon as he saw me with a suitcase in my hand.


"Why? Where are you going?" He came in and inspected the suitcase.

"To my mom's. Uhm...I was thinking since the graduation is 2 days away, I should just stay closer to the university...at my mom's. Since the graduation will be held there."

"But we planned on driving there on the day. Remember?"

Oh this guy was making things difficult. Can't he see I'm trying to get away from him. He clearly needs the space too. And I was running out of ideas

"Uhm...I thought it would be too stressful."

"Ok fine. Then I'll come with." He walked to the closet and opened it to start packing.

"No! You need to stay here and go to work."

"I can take the days off. It's no biggie..."

"No you cant. I have something to show you. Come here."

I told him about the shares. The board claimed to own 50% of the shares but as we read grandma's will, she was in possession of the shares. She then passed it down to Omar's wife and kids, according to her will and we had a lawyer to prove everything. Omar owmed the other 30% which left us to 20%. We thought the board was in possession of this but faked it to seem like 50% but apparently as I found out today the 20% belonged to Omar's mother.

"So it's fraud!?" Omar questioned.

"Maybe, or it could be that the board works for your mother. That or she sold her shares to them" I explained.

"It can't be! My mother is still pretty much involved in the company."

"So that leaves us to..."

"They are working together. Gosh my own mother? I can't expect any less!" He hit the desk.

"You're very brilliant Ayah, I could never have figured this out by myself. Thank you." he said senciely.

I felt warm inside knowing I eased a bit of his problems.

"The guest, Omar." I snapped out of it.

"Oh right let's go" he did too.

After greeting the guests I took my luggage and began my long drive via a cab to my mother and aunt's place. Omar wasn't happy about me leaving so soon, but I had to give him space. I needed it too. As I arrived, my aunt and mother were both happy and surprised that I came. I did not tell them about Omar and his second marriage arrangements. They dis however ask a lot about him. They were excited to see him on graduation day.

I was too...i think. Yaa Allah.


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