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I stood up and walked quickly to get Zayda.

"It's time" I said as I opened the door to her room and what I saw, either melted my heart or shattered it further.

Zayda was in sujood, praying yet again. I swear she surprised me every time. I joined her for a while then we got up together.

"I'm nervous." she said.

"By Allah everything will be ok, Insha Allah."

she held my hand tightly and I escorted her down the stairs to the living room. As soon as we got there, Aunt Rhoda and Waseem's grandmother both stood up and came to hug Zayda. They both held her face and looked at her with a huge smile.

"Oh she's pretty Masha Allah." the grandma said.

"Too pretty! You sure you wanna marry my son?" we all laughed.

The two of them then took each of Zayda's hands and set next to my mother with Zayda in between them. There was no space for me on the couch so I stood behind them, ready to be of service, for whoever needed re-fills.

I just stood there and admired how they smiled at my sister as they talked to her and asked questions. The more I learned about their family the more secure and sure I was about my sister marrying into the family. They loved her from the start and she seemed to like them too. Not to mention my mom whose face was decorated by a huge smile, which I've never seen in ages. I loved the scene. It made me believe that there was some good in marriage. I might even consider getting m.....

"Excuse me, can I get a re-fill please" Omar said cutting me out of my thoughts.

My mom nudged me to get the glass from him. I walked around the couch to his side and held my hand out to get the glass.

"So we meet again?" Omar said.

I looked up at him and got the biggest shock of my life. I dropped his glass on the carpet floor. Luckily it didn't break.

Remember a few lines ago when I praised this family and felt secure?...scratch that. This brute sitting right before me just prooved it otherwise.

"Why are you here?!" I whisper yelled at him as I knelt down to get the glass.

"My cousin got a match, and I've come to support him." He chuckled.

I grunted. Why did Waseem have to be related to this bozzo, who's name I just found out was Omar. Omar!? Ugh such a nice name for a not so nice person. This must be a hoax. No way is a sweet guy like Waseem, let alone his entire family before me, be related to him.

I took the glass and went to refill it. Don't worry I cleaned it before I poured in the juice. I might hate the guy, but I'm not that evil. Sadly atleast not like him. After filling his glass, I went back to the living room and gave him his drink.

"This job suits you, you should consider it!" He said before sipping his drink. I wished I put  hit sauce in it. That would teach him.

I ignored him then stood back at my spot, before Omar asked for another refill. This time it was for Waseem. I went over and took the glass ignoring him.

"Oh and some water please!" Omar ordered.

"I'm not your maid."

"Oh but you are...look who's serving" I glared at him then went back to the kitchen.

How is it that no-one is noticing this guy abusing me. Too glued and interested in my sister! I wouldn't blame them, she looked magnificent. Plus they were all here for her.

After giving the guys their drinks, I walked back to my spot. I stood there for a while before I noticed Omar staring at me. I tried to ignore him but his look intimidated me. I glared at him then stuck my toung out to him. That made him clench his jaws and his face filled with anger.

"Alright Waseem and Zayda, do you all give your consent to this agreement" Imam Zaid said and they both nodded shyly.

"Then I consider you two from now onwards engag...."

"Wait uncle, before you go on. Why don't you let them get to know each other better, like a date?" Omar interrupted.

What are you up to Omar? Like you know a thing about marriage.

"Ayah and I can accompany them, so that they are sure about their decision." he continued.

Why did he dragg me into this?!

"You're right Omar, this is a life-time agreement" grandma said.

"They need to be sure. Alright it's settled. They'll go on a date" Imam Zaid said.

"Friday!" My mother said.

"But where... Ayah you choose?" Omar said glaring at me.

"Come one Ayah". All eyes were on me.

I was put in the spot. I felt dizzy just by their stares as I internally shivered with nervousness. Not a good spot to be in rught now. To pick out something as important as a date idea. I could use some ice-cream right now.

"Ice cream!" I blurted out, feeling instant regret after I said it.

"Perfect. It's settled then." Imam Zaid confirmed.

Wait ago immature Ayah... ice-cream? Really?!


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