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"Ready?" Omar said holding my hand tightly. I was nervous but not as much as he was. I could literally feel the sweat on his pals and his heart racing.

"I was born ready!" I said giving him a sweet smile.

I grabbed the huge scissors from Zayda beside me. He held one end and I the other.

"From now onwards I present to you, N.A.Q.O industries!" Omar said as we both cut the ribbon together.

Everybody cheered. Both our families and friends were here including Zainab. Nadeema came aswell with her husband who will be joining our company aswell, as his beloved wife. We became besties again and stronger than ever. I told her about me thinking Omar was going to marry her and she laughed hysterically. She said she was over him as soon as she found out I was engaged to him. It would have been a twisted story if she has still been interested in him even after I married him. I still wish she came to the wedding though. I needed her most on that day.

Finally after a year, Omar was able to establish his own company of which I'm apart of. He would do the architectural part and I was incharge of the decor and stuff. He named it after our cute little family.

5 months ago I gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy. We named him Nabeel, Mohammed Nabeel Qadri. At the time we were busy with the constructions of the building and were looking for a name for it. Omar came up with the brilliant idea to put our initials on it.

Good idea until we found out we were expecting again.
I wonder what he'll do to the name of the company now.

"Imagine you guys having 10 kids. Then what?" Zayda said at the dinner table as we just announced we were expecting again.

"Then we add them to the company. They'll be little CEO's" Omar joked hugging me and kissing my cheeks, then Nabeel's little forehead. He chuckled in his little baby voice recieving Awwws from everyone. He was so adorable.

Zayda could speak for herself. She too was expecting and it feels great to be experiencing our second pregnancy together. Just like we did our wedding. Well she actually enjoyed hers. I didn't, but I liked how everything turned out. It took a few chances to get it right. But at the end of it all...it was fate. And I wouldn't change A thing.
I love Omar and our little family. And he loved me too.



AN: I'm sorry for the short chapter, I literally had nothing else to write. But that's it. That's the end of it. Thank you all for reading and supporting me. It's been a pleasure writing this book for you and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

Have a good one!

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