34: PINKY.

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It's been 3 weeks now and I've grown accustomed to the house. It felt like home already and yes, Omar and I sleep on the same bed together ever since, but with pillows in between us. None of us liked that incident that occurred that one time.

I was in the kitchen pouring cold water in a jug for grandma's room while I waited ,with a huge smile on my face, for Omar to finish showering. Everyday for all these weeks he'd won in a race to get to the bathroom and everyday the looser showered cold water. Which by the way was always me. This time I decided to give the winner a little treat.

"Ayah!" I heard Omar's thunderous voice roaring from our bedroom. I chuckled trying to keep my laugh in. Well the little treat, if you may ask, was me switching his shampoo and conditioner to hair colours. I put bleach in his shampoo and hair dye in his conditioner so that the colour comes out nice and bringht.

"Ayah!" He came to the kitchen with only a towel wrapped around his torso and...pink hair! I tried to be seriously and not give it away. It came out a good shade actually and was extremely bright. Thanks to the bleach.

"Yes Omar?what's up?" I asked ignoring him and continued with my work.

He came up to me and spun me around to face him.

"Pink is up...my hair? Ayah... PINK!" he yelled furiously while pointing at his hair.

But to be honest I was too concerned about the fact that he was an inch away from me...and Uhm... shirtless.

"Uhm.. please move away...just a bit."

"Oh you don't like this huh?" he teased with a smirk on his face before he began to move closer as I moved slowly backwards.

"You don't wanna do that.. just...uhm..." I stuttered.

Suddenly I was pressed against the kitchen counter as Omar placed both his hands on either side of me on the counter. I felt super claustrophobic and as a reflex, I reached for the jug filled with ice cold water and poured it over his beautiful pink hair.

"Ayah!" He flinched back trying to stop the water as I poured more on him. I put the jug down and made a run for it.

"Ayaaaaaah!" He grunted before running after me up the stairs.

"Piiiinkyyyy!" I shouted before locking the bedroom door behind me and running to hide in the closet, incase he managed to get though the door. Just then my phone began to ring as I laughed at Omar banging the door and trying to get me to open the door. Like I would ever. Pinky was furiouse! Hahaha.

A: hello?!
Z: assalaam alaykum Ayah.
A: wa'laukum salaam Zayda (I said while trying to control a laugh.)
Z: what are you doing right now?
A: nothing much, you need me for something?
Z: yeah, mom is moving today and she needs some help.
A: it's saturday. she could have told us yesterday then we could have slept over.
Z: maybe she didn't want to bother us. Are you coming or Nah?
A: ofcouse I'll come.
Z: I'll pick you up in 15 ok. Be ready.

I got out of the closet and ran to the bathroom to shower. The water was still warm Alhamdulillah and no, I did not dare to use the shampoo and conditioner. Not until I change the contents. Poor Pinky.

After getting ready I slowly unlocked the door to find an empty hallway. I quickly made it to the living room where I found him in a white shirt and black jeans reading a newspaper. Omar should wear such clothing much often. He looked good in them. He lifted his head to meet mine before getting up to approach me. I quickly unlocked the door but he reached me before I got out.

"Not so fast missy, what did you do to my hair?"

"Just a little improvement, you look fab."

"IT'S PINK!"  He yelled.

Just then Zayda pulled up and I ran to get into her car.

"Is that Omar...with pink hair?" She asked curiously as I got in the car.

"Yeah, drive drive drive!"

"Ayah you..."

I cut her off with my laughter then she joined in.

"Pinky?" she laughed.


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