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2 days later and it was Monday. Finally. Omar was called back to office and left early in the morning without even greeting me or letting me know where he was going. I wasn't his "wife" anyways, so I had no rights regarding that department. I got up from my sleeping spot on the couch which I've grown accustomed to for the past too days. It wasn't as comfortable and I miss my bed even more now. I would kill to be back in my own bed.

I walked in hIs room and took a warm shower. I'm surprised there's still warm water available. After showering I walked back into his room and ramaged through my suitcase for something to wear. I've been in my PJs and abaya for way too long. Since I wasn't allowed in the room. But hey, what he doesn't know won't kill him. I pulled my suitcase to the storage area next to the kitchen and kept it there so that it's within reach. I found an extra blanket in the wardrope and took that to the storage area aswell, then covered it with a quilt. Just incase visitors come and I was forced to act like we were a loving couple. Hmph!

After breakfast I cleaned up a bit then sat on the couch and watched some TV. I was bored out of my mind by now so after Thuhr I decided to go and annoy Zayda. Surprisingly, she was home alone aswell. Apparently Waseem too was called back to work. But Zayda didn't mind. Turns out she was bored too.

"So how's Omar treating you?" She suddenly asked?

Like trash.

"Great. Alhamdulillah. How about Waseem?"

"He's amazing. Like a dream come true." She smiled brightly. Awww she's so lucky.

"Let's go grocery shopping, Ayah. It's high time we start making our own food." Zayda suggested.

She was right. We've been living on takeaway foods for the past 2 days and the obvious Resturant visit for dinner. It was nice, I won't argue about that, but I kinda missed home cooked meals. More like my mom's cooked meals. Subhana Allah I miss her so much.

I ended up using money from my savings account because let's face it, Omar could never let me use his card and I didn't want to blow it off with Zayda, who happily used Waseem's card. That's nafaqah at it's best. Unlike Omar. He's a lost cause.

After shopping we made ASR in Zayda's room and I went to mine to start on dinner for two. I made my favourite meal. Maybe it could cheer me up and make this all worth it . I never thought I'd find so much freedom in just preparing my favourite meal. I put so much effort in it and it looked and smelled better that ever. And yes it did boost my mood a bit. Stress can make you do strange things. After magrib I took a shower before Omar came.

He arrived right after I took the shower, a bit later that expected, since his work only closed at 6pm. He looked like he just went through a battle. Pathetic.

I dished out our food and sat on the counter to eat. The food was good. He walked in 10 minutes later and glared at me then his plate. He shrugged before grabbing a bottle of water in the fridge then walked away. Suit yourself rascal, this food is good. After eating I cleaned up and put his food in the fridge. Might be my lunch for tomorrow. Alhamdulillah I don't have to cook lunch.

After Eshai I read a little then got myself ready for bed...or couch. I set up the couch and got my blanket out. It was so warm. I drifted off to sleep.


nafaqah- maintenance

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