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"On you finger... Ayah?!"

"Uhm.." I was dumbstruck.

"You're engaged and you didn't tell me!?" She snapped.

"I wanted to tell you I just forgot"

We went in full battle field in the bathroom. She kept yelling and I tried to explain but nothing came through to her. I messed up. I should have just told her from the start. But how was I to know that Omar would go ahead with the wedding. He hated me and I hate him. If anything this marriage is just a hoax. I'm still waiting for the day he pops out of the bushes with a camera crew bragging that he got me. That would hurt less than knowing I upsetted my friend. She was already going through alot and now she just found out in the worst way possible, that her best friends was engaged.

"Did you feel sorry for me?" She yelled with tears in her eyes.

"No Nadeema, let me explain..."

" I don't want to hear it!" She snapped then marched out of the bathroom.

Yaa Allah, this is too much. My best friend is angry at me and this wedding? What type of test is this. I fell on my knees and cried.


Nadeema had already left as I sat on our spot waiting for Zayda. We were supposed to run some errands for the wedding today. I was technically defeated as I rested my head against the tree with tears still running down my face.

Then a car stopped infront of me outside the gate. I turned around to face away from it then continued wailing. My life was practically over. Don't judge me.

My thoughts were cut by a thunderous voice attempting to scare me. I jolted back in fear and fell on the floor. I looked up to see the laughing Omar pointing at me.

"That was classic!" he laughed.

"Ha ha ha. what are you doing here?" I said wiping my tears quickly before he saw them. He might tease me for it. Then I stood up.

"Your sister is already at the planner, they sent me to come get you" he said.


"Darling there's 2 weddings going on in a month. We gotta get cracking. Now let's go I don't have whole day."

And with that I followed him to his car. He forced me to take the passenger seat. I leaned against the window and stared out in thought. My thoughts were cut by the car stoping... somewhere else.

"This isn't the wedding planners office?" I asked panicking.

"Relax, it's an ice-cream shop."
I looked up and say my favourite ice-cream shop. The same one we had the date.

"Why are we here?"

"Don't you girls like eating ice-cream when you're upset?"

"I'm not upset?"

"The tears on your cheeks says otherwise. Stay here, I'll be quick." he said before exiting the car.

I didn't realise I was testing up as I was in deep thoughts. They did hurt. I was aching from the soul, but the idiot was right. Ice-cream does make everything better. I guess he did have a soft spot. I smiled having hope that maybe this marriage thing wont be so bad.

My smile grew wider as he came back carrying my favorite flavour tub in his hands.

"Jazakallahu Khair" I said reaching for the tub.

"It's for me weirdo. I'm quite upset." He said angrily getting into the car.

Such a meany. I glared at him as he took a spoon full of ice cream to his mouth.

"Gross, how do you eat this flavour, take it. I don't want it." he said passing the tub to me before driving away.

I gladly took it and began munching on it.
"As it is you looked sullen. Wouldn't want your gloomy face to ruin everybody's day"

Hey, his words are painful alright, but I'm the one devouring a delicious ice-cream. So who's the real winner here? Huh? Me! I chuckled as I finished my ice-cream.

We met everyone at the wedding planner. Everything went smoothly from there and that ice-cream made me forget about my worries for once. Well that and seeing how happy everyone was. But not as happy as I saw Omar's face after we suggested the theme of the wedding to be pink. Something tells me he hated pink. This new peace of information would come in handy one day. I made a mental note while making an evil laugh. He noticed and looked at me confused. I stuck my toung out at him then continued discussing the wedding. Hehehe!


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