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I bid Zayda and Waseem goodnight as Omar opened our door. He got in and pushed the door close behind him and it hit me in my face.

"Ouch, I was coming though." I whined rubbing my forehead.

"Oh didn't see you there." he said walking away without a care.

I walked in the room. It was beautiful. There was a livingroom area that opened to the kitchen. And sadly the place only had one room and bathroom. It must have been in the bedroom. Because there was no other rooms apart from the bedroom door. I shivered in disgust. Omar got in the room and closed the door again in my face.

"Hey, where am I going to sleep" I yelled through the door.

"Help yourself. You got that whole area!" He yelled.

"Stupid idiot, I hate you!"

He opens the door aggressively and he was wearing nothing but his suit pants from before and a tank top.

"What did you just say!?"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you too sweetie, with passion." he spat in my face before turning away. No no today he'll answer my questions. He's not walking away that easily. I want to know everything. His intention in marrying me and what he plans to do with me since he clearly hated me and I him.

"If you hate me so much why did you marry me?"

"I have my reasons." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Tell me, I have the right to know."

"I do as I please, that's all you need to know. And as far as I can tell you, I don't see you as my wife. Now leave me alone, I'm tired." he said before banging the door in my face.

"Hey, answer me you stupid snob. Tell me the truth. Hey!" I yelled while hitting the door with full force. I stopped when I felt pain in my hands. I hate him.

I walked to the couch and sank on the floor infront of the coffee table. I looked at my shacking hands with dark shades of a henna pattern on them.
"The darker the shade, the stronger the love." they said.
"May Allah bless your marriage" they said.
" Such a beautiful couple" they said. What a joke.

I began to laugh and ignored the pain in my hands. I removed my jewelry, the Vail, the pins and finally my scarf and placed them on the glass coffee table all while laughing. My life was a joke and that idiot had made a successful show of it. I stared at my reflection on the table then slumped back with my back against the foot of the couch.

"My life is a joke and that idiot made a successful show of it!" I screamed causing tears to gush uncontrollably down my cheeks.

I cried and cried like a baby, or even worse. I cried myself to sleep.



I was angry, no, furious. I was mad. This woman drives me crazy. And I still can't put my finger as to exactly what she did to shower me with anger and extream hatred for her. I don't even know whether it's what she did or what I just did, but my blood was surely boiling.

I was bent on marrying her and convincing myself that everything will be alright. Even the times she bitterly annoyed me during the wedding preparation, I was still set on marrying her. But when she suggested her friend...really? As if my choice was bad. It was bad. The worst. She said she couldn't cook or clean or take care of me as a good wife. Like I cared. I wasn't planning on making her my maid. I have plenty of those. As if her insecurities wasn't enough. And that guy with the roses? Ooh I was fuming.

Above all anger my decision was still final upon marrying Ayah. I don't know why I didn't just opt out. Something about her always drew me towards her. But we were finally married and that's that. I was married to Ayah and she was married to me. No one else but me. I hit the pillow before I fell upon it.

It was 3am and I could barely sleep. Might be becouse its a new environment, thanks again Ayah for suggesting this stupid 'live in a flat until we get our own houses idea'. But what kept me awake, was Ayah. Thoughts about her trembled in my head. It's been this way since I dropped her off that tragic day. I was so furious I didn't want to see face. Luckily I had alot of meetings to keep me away from the rest of the wedding preparations. I thought this would stop as soon as I married her. But that girl is like a desease without a cure. I can't get rid of her!

And I'm not sure I want to.

Yaa Allah what am I saying.


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