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On Saturday morning I woke up feeling very tired. I was literally glued to my bed, infact I wish I could stay in there forever, but since there will be an engagement happening soon in the house, of which I'm apart of, things needed to be done. My mother woke me up early in the morning and sat with Zayda and I to make a shopping list. The big day was 2 days away, and we needed to get started today.

After breakfast, we all hoped into Zayda's car and drove to the nearest mall to find our outfits and things we needed. Oh and the rings. 2 rings for the guys. Although it wasn't part of religion it was a custom for the couples to gift each other with rings, but it wasn't necessary. I love shopping, believe me, but I found myself dragging my feel wherever I went as I got bored by the second. Don't blame me, considering the way I'm getting engaged...it's pretty understandable.

After shopping I told my sister to drop me at Nadeema's house. The only think that got me out of bed this morning was the fact that I'd be visiting her today. As soon as she opened the door, I jumped in her arms causing her to fall to the floor.

"Oh Nadeema I've missed you!" I cried.

"I missed you too!" she laughed as we got up. She then took me to her room where we talked and caught up.

I told her about Zayda and Waseem and that Omar was related to Waseem. I told her everything from the 1st meeting to the ice cream datem The only thing I kept hidden was the fact that Omar proposed to me and I was getting engaged to him on Monday evening. Not that I didn't trust her or anything. It's just that I don't believe anything would happen. Omar is probably just teasing me and will cancel the whole thing before it goes any further. I really don't mind being left at the alter, in fact if this dibaco goes that far, I'm the one who will leave him there.

I decided not to take his words seriously I mean come on, the guy is a lunatic. No wonder he's not married at his age..even though it's the same as Waseem's, but Waseem had a good reason why  he was still single. The other one chased girls and potentials away. Clearly!

"So what about you,? How did everything go at the speed dating function."

Nadeemas smile faded as she tensed up
"Uhm...not good!"

"What happened?"

"Half the guys barely looked at me nor were interested. I really tried to look my best...and the ones I spoke to were all idiots." She cried.

"These things take time, Nadeema. We just have to trust Allah and never give up."

"Thank you Ayah, for always being there for me."

"No problem."

"And by the time you decide to get married I'll be there to support you!"

That statement got me tensed. What if Omar was not kidding? What if he was seriously willing to marry me, and forcing me that path along with him? What kind of marriage will that be? Islam condemns forced marriages. It never lasts. I really don't want to end up a divorce like half of my community. Yaa Allah please let him be joking or teasing. Whatever it is he was up to, was definitely a twisted cruel joke that I don't want to be apart of. Yaa Rabbi please help me.

After hanging out with Nadeema I took a bus back home and went straight to my room to finish my project. Exams were starting soon aswell and I needed to focus. It was hard fulfiing that task as thougts about Omar, Zayda, Waseem and marriage circulated in my head. There is a reason why people say "don't get married while you're studying". This could probably be one of the reasons why. I was going insane. Yaa Allah please make it easier for me.


C.H.A.N.C.E.S [✓]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora