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The next day I woke up again on the bed even after I went to sleep on the floor. Nothing was wrong with sleeping on the floor. Infact I found it humbling and relaxing. I got ready for classes and did a bit of cleaning. Omar had already left for work.

After classes I took an Uber and went over to La Arias. First day! I was so excited. It wasn't that bad of a job. I just had to sit behind a desk and designing some things on a laptop according to the client's taste. After the design was made I needed to consult with the boss and then get approval and then get started with my project. In such a short time I managed to get 3 projects and I already had plans for all of them. It was hard work indeed but also very exciting.

I got home a bit after 7 before making my magrib, as exhausted as ever. As soon as I closed the front door I kicked my shoes off my feet and walked lazily to the living room to relax a bit before I pray. Ah home sweet home.

Suddenly I heart a grunt coming from the bedroom. Wait Omar is here? So early? He has an hour until he comes. Just as I thought, Omar came out of the room with a suitcase wheeling behind him.

"Omar?" He flinched up in surprise.

"Gosh, Ayah, you'll give people a heart attack!" He yelled then pulled the suitcase closer to the door before going back in the room.

What's up with him? Business trip?

I followed him into the room.
It was messy with clothes and things everywhere on the bed and the floor.

"What's this?"

"Just shut up and pack ok, we don't have alot of time."

"Where are we going?"

"We're moving..." He said. We can't move I just started a job here and I'm on my last few months of school. What's gotten in his head.

"Why? This place is closer to my school and Job."

"Job? What job?" He flinched aggressively marching towards me. The guy was angry. I wonder what's gotten into him. But then again that's not surprising. He's forever angry.

"I don't remember you, having a job?"

"I got one yesterday. It's for experience."

"Screew experience. You're moving with me and that's it!"

"But where?"

"To my...my grandmother's place" he hasitated brushing his hands through his hair. He looked devastated and worried. Well angry too but I've never seen him so enxouse.

"Everything ok Omar?" I asked.

"She... she had a s-stroke." His voice cracked at the end.
I've never seen him so brocken. He must have been close to her.

"I'm so sorry."

"Just pack ok, we don't have much time. We move Tommorow."

"But it can't be far right , my job...".

"To heck with your job! It's a bit far so you'll have to quit. Why do you need to work anyways, I can take care of everything" he spat folding his clothes aggressively.

"I can't. I'm not your 'actual' wife remember. You said yourself you don't consider me as one. I need to care for myself here too."

He threw the shirt that was in his hands in the bed  and marched towards me.

"You're moving with me, whether you like it or not. Now pack!" He scolded.

Yes sir! You, there are nicer ways to get people to do things. Couldn't he have asked a bit lovingly? Apparently that's too much to ask from this snob of a husband I have.

After packing I made some dinner and ate. After eating we went to sleep. The next day I woke up a bit early to finish the packing. Omar said we will leave in the afternoon. Not exactly sure when, but I bet I can spare some time at the boutique.

Classes went as usual and I was getting used to not seeing Nadeema. Though it still hurts so bad. I took an Uber to the boutique, and just as I got out if the car, I saw someone I wasn't expecting to see exit the boutique. Nadeema!

I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Nadeema oh I miss you so much, I'm really sorry about everything please forgive me. I miss my bestie..." I tatted on.

"Ayah!" She yanked me away. "Don't..."

"No Nadeema we are besties, you can't..."

Just then my phone rang.



I've been trying to call the stupid girl the whole day, but she didn't pick up. She must have gone to that stupid job of her's. The moving truck already left when I got home for lunch but she wants home. I decided to try calling her again.

"What!" She answered bitterly.

"Where are you?"

"Where else, at work"

"Didn't I say..." And beep. She cut the call. Oh she's gonna get it. I grew furious. I grabbed the remaining things, hopped in the car and went to La Arias.

And there she was. Talking to her friend. So she cut my call to talk to a friend huh? This girl! I'm going to get her fired today for sure.

That will teach her never to mess with me.



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