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She was born as soon as she left. That's what played in in my mind as I held Bisma's baby gently in my arms. A smile erupted on my face as tears of sadness fell down my eyes. Omar had lost it. Ahmed went to console him and he told me to keep Bisma company.

I was seated in a stool next to her bed as she smiled exhaustedly at me and her baby. I was so happy for her. To think a few months from now, Zayda's baby will be the one in my arms. As for me, I have no idea when I'll ever hold mine. But I have to admit, holding this baby in my arms like this made me want to have my own. My own little Ayah and...

"So what are you going to name her?" I asked Bisma.

"Ahmed and I are bad at names. Why don't you do the honours."


"Yes you, silly!" She laughed.

"I like the name...Bahia!"

"Very nice. That's grandma's name you know?"

"It is?" It was. Her name came out of reflex. Should I tell her or not? Maybe shell hate finding out that I named her baby after her dessiesed grandma, whom she loved so dearly. She might not like it as it brought out memories and such. I need to tell her, so that she can change the name soon, and something else.

"Yeah. But I like it. Bahia Hammad! I love it."

"Bisma, I knew..."

"Knew what?'

"The name of your grandma. That it was Bahia."

"Why are you referring to her in past tence?"

I stayed silentt as I stared at little Bahia..which might not remain Bahia for long.

"She's gone. The same time, she was born" I tear fell down my eye.

"Grandma is..."

"I'm so sorry. I understand if you want to change the name, I just..."

"It's ok Ayah don't feel bad. Infact I think it's suitable."

"So it won't bother you?"

"Not as good as I will be to name her Bahia Ayah Hammad!" She smiled at me and baby Bahia Ayah...Ayah?

"Are you serious!?" I asked.

"Yep. I love your name and was thinking about naming her that too. You're like a sister I've always dreamt of having. Bahia Ayah Hammad...I love it." She said as I put Bahia Ayah Hammad in her arms.

It's feels so nice to say it. I have a baby that is named after me and her grandmother. I hope the late Mrs Bahia Qadri was happy about this, where ever she was.


We got back home late in the evening as exhausted as ever. As soon as grandma's body was prepared, we Informed everyone of the loss and they were to gather tomorrow morning for the Janaza. It was at Short notice but everyone managed to come.

The next day after the janaza we had a light lunch and Omar and Ahmed greeted everybody warmly. Everybody asked about his hair which even though it was in a kofiyah it was still visible. Ahmed just said that he was happy about the birth of Bahia.

Everybody loved the name Bahia Ayah Hammad, but we got no reaction from Omar. Infact he was emotionless and just greeted everybody calmly. It made me wonder whether this was the calm before the storm or he was just trying to deal with the loss.
She was very close to him after all. All I knew was what ever was going on inside of him, I was sure going to get it. And so, Allah help me now!

After everyone left, including Bisma, Ahmad ,Zayda and Waseem, we had our super and went to sleep.


Janaza- funeral

kofiyah- hat

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