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The week was super long, but not long enough aparrently. It was Friday already and I couldn't be more frustrated. Either the fact that today is the day of the 'ice cream date' or the fact that I haven't seen Nadeema this week. I wondered how everything went with her at the speed dating function at the Masjid. Days without her are the worst at campus. I tried to call her, but her phone was left to voicemail.

After class I sat by our favourite spot waiting for Zayda to pick me up to head to the masjid for jummua and from there it's off to our date. I decided to call Nadeema's mother .

A: Assalaam alaykum aunt.
NM: Wa'laukum salaam, how are you dear?
A: I'm fine alhamdulillah, and you?
NM: Alhamdulillah.
A: Is Nadeema there?
NM: She just went to the masjid with her father. But she's fine alhamdulillah. She just needed a break from school.
A: Alhamdulillah. Can I come over this weekend maybe?
NM: Sure we'd love to have you over.
A: Jazakallahu Khair aunt. Assalaam alaykum.
NM: Wa'laukum salaam.

Just on que my sister pulled up as I hung up the phone.

"You ready?"

"As ever" she says." Cleary you're not, I brought you an abayah, put it on at the Masjid."

"Ugh sis, this is my good abayah, couldn't you bring a plain normal one" I whined.

"Dude, it's a date...".

" It's yOuR date, why do I have to dress up."

"It's not that dressy, now put it on...ugh what would I do with you" my sister whined shaking her head. I leaned in and kissed her cheek as she started driving.

"You love me!" I sang while putting the abaya back in the packet.

"You love me too" she smiled as she drove away.


Jummua was beautiful and the lecture was brilliant. Zayda and I went to the bathroom to fix ourselves before we went into her car and she drove us to Gatti's ice-cream shop, which sold my favourite ice-cream ever. As soon as we entered the place, we met the too guys talking at the booth near the door, dressed in a kurta...well Waseem was and he looked handsome...not the other one. He was wearing his usual navy blue suit.

"Assalaam alaykum ladies, please join us" Waseem stood up and escorted us to our seats they saved up for us. I took the window seat which happened to be opposite Omar and Zayda say next to me opposite Waseem. As soon as the two love birds sat, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other and kepts smiling. I stared at the adorable sight as a smile creeped on my face. Awww.

"Stop staring at the lovely couple you creep!" Omar whisper yelled at me, causing me to snap out of the loving trance.
I glared at him.

"Shall we order?" I said looking at the menu. Waseem took all our orders and went up to the counter to order for us. He came back with our ice-cream tubs. I ordered a chocolate cookie flavour, zayyda got frost barries, Waseem got caramel and the other person got plain vanilla. A tasteless choice for a tasteless man.

There was silence at the table as the two love birds kept smiling at each other. I decided to break the ice.

"So, Waseem what do you do for a living?"

"Huh.. typical...always ask about the money first..." Omar blurted out. " Well if you must know, we run a very successful family business and I can assure you, Ayah, that your sister will be very well taken care off" he smirked as I glared at him.

"Please forgive my cousin, he's got quite a temper..." Waseem said." I'm a pharmacist but part time Imam. I teach at the Masjid and lead the night prayers. What about you Zayda?" He continued.

"I work at the bank, for the past 4 years "

"And I'm a businessman. I run the family business." Omar said.

"No one asked you!" I snapped.

"Don't you dare..." He leaned in ready to start but Waseem Interrupted him.

"What about you ayah?"

"I'm still studying. I got a year to go Insha Allah.

"Haha..now that's impressive... puny" he laughed.

"Shut up!"

"No you shut it .. bubble head!"

"Ayah...your ice cream is melting" Zayda said calming me down instantly. I hated melted ice cream. I glared at Omar then lean back in my seat and quietly ate my ice cream while staring outside the window. Waseem and Zayda went on talking and giggling with each other. And I could care less what Omar was doing.

After eating our ice-creams Omar gave Waseem his card to pay and told Zayda to go with him. Apparently Omar "offered" to pay since it was his suggestion.

"Ptss weird kid" he said calling me but I ignored him.

"Weirdo! Ayah!" He shouted.

"What!" I yelled back.

"I have a proposition for you."

"What do you want...im not in the mood to argue with you"

"Neither am I. Just look at Zayda and Waseem..." We turned to them.

"Lovely couple huh, they look so in love. Masha Allah. What would you say I break that bond up before it even begins" I snapped my head at him.

"You wouldn't dare"

"Oh I would. I'm very influential and I can do whatever I want"


"Waseem and I are very close, and my opinion matters alot to him. I'd just tell him she's not good enough and he'll let go of her as soon as I present someone better"

"Hah like he'd listen to you?"

"A-a you forget... Who suggested this little meet up, who paid...huh?"

"What do you want?" I asked after realising his somewhat power. But eish.. I'd hate for something to come in between the two. Ya Allah what would this guy possibly want.

"You!" He said smirking.


"I want yOu... to marry me. Either you marry me or kiss your beloved sister's happiness goodbye."

Just then Waseem and Zayda came back. It was time to leave and the guys escorted us to our car.
"Ayah...think about it!" He said smiling as zaydta and Waseem bid each other goodbye.

Me? Marry Omar? no thinking required, that's a definite No! Ha!


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