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"Assalaam alaykum." he spoke. He sounded familiar. A bit too farmiliar. I lifted my head up.

Oh Sweet chicken samosas!

This can't be. Omar!? Nadeema has a crush on Omar of all people. Seriously?!

"Wa'laukum salaam." Nadeema spoke softly and I turned to her only to find her blushing and looking away all shy and cute.
This is insane. My best friend is in love with my fiance! And why am I not bothered? Probably coz I don't want to marry the guy. Infact I found it kinda adorable and cute. But Omar? seriously Nadeema? Omar?

"Sorry to disturb your little chat ladies, but my fiancee and I have wedding stuff to do." he said politely which made me cringe to the core. This guy is a good actor. I almost believed he was a nice human being.

"Fiancee?!" Nadeema gasped looking up at Omar in shock. I could sense the pain and dissapointment in it. And I could literally feel her heart shatter along with her hopes and dreams.

"Ayah,... your friend here. I'm sure we haven't met. I'm Omar, Ayah's finance, and you are?" He spoke effortlessly to Nadeema.

Her mouth just stood agape as she stared at Omar as her eyes turned red. She was about to cry or something. This is so heartbreaking. I felt like crying along with her.

"This is Nadeema, my best friend." I told Omar then Nadeema turned to me with anger and tears building up in her eyes. A tear fell as Omar tuned away to lead me to the car yelling " let's go, we don't want to be late!"

Then she glared at me and marched off away from me in anger without a word.

I kinda felt for her. Imagine struggling to get something, and the moment you find it, it gets snatched right in front of you, and that too by your very own best friend. I felt her frustration and I felt bad. Her anger was now justified. Well not quite, becouse the idiot forced me. He could have just picked someone that actually liked him or wanted to marry him. Why did he have to choose me?

The drive to the bakery was quiet. Omar tried to tease me but I just shrugged it off and ignored him. I had no energy to talk back and too deep in thought about my recent discovery. My best friend was in love with my fiance, and I didn't. Yet I'm the one who's marrying him and she's not. And that promise I made her? I promised to help her find the guy and even help them get married. What's of me now?

My thoughts continued to battle in my head and I couldn't concentrate on the task at hand. I just nodded my head to whatever everyone said. They could have chosen a flavour I hated or even was allergic to for the cake and I didn't care. I was too worried about Nadeema.

Omar offered to drive me back home as Waseen's family and Zayda wanted to hang out. They invited me but I told them I wasn't feeling well so Omar offered to drive me. The drive was quite again until we reached my house.

"Hey, daydreamer, we're here." Omar snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, Uhm .. jazakallahu Khair" I said unbuckling the seatbelt.

"Ayah, what's wrong? You've been lost in thought whole day."

Wait, he noticed? He cared? He might have a soft side after all. Maybe this beast has a heart. Aww.

"You're not thinking about bailing on the wedding are you, coz if you do I swear I will insure your sister never gets married to Waseem or anyone else at that matter."

Never mind. He is still a worthless pile of najiss.

"No, sir why would I even thing as such" I said sarcastically. Rolling my eyes.

"Good, coz I make the decisions here. Whether we get married or not it's up to me!" he yelled before driving off.

Wait! Did he just say what I think he just said.

"Whether we get married or not it's up to me!" his voice echoed in my head.

Idea! A mischievous smile erupted on my face.

Hehehe! There's hope. Alhamdulillah!


Najiss- filth (dirt/ impurities)

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