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I've been sick for 3 days now since I visited my mom on friday. My body must have felt relaxed after sleeping in my own bed. That's why I ended up getting so sick. I don't know how that works but, aparrently it happened. I'm still pretty much sick but recovering. Thanks to...well surprisingly, Omar. He's been so good to me lately. I wonder why?

I woke up late morning on Monday and realised I've missed school. I was still too weak to move but after a warm shower, I got enough energy to get some things ready for school. I needed to go the next day. I packed all my thisngs in my back pack and unwrapped all the new things I got before I got sick.

The rest of the day I spent on the couch watching some TV. At dinner time I ordered some Indian food and dished some in a plate for Omar. After another shower, I went to sleep. I was so exhausted, but couldn't wait to start my final year tomorrow and mostly to see Nadeema. It's been over month since I've seen her, and I missed her badly.


I got back home from office as exhausted as ever. My back and neck was killing me. I dropped my things on the couch and walked to the kitchen to get some water for some pain tablets I decided to take to ease my back pain. Surprisingly I saw some food. She must be feeling a bit better, well enough to cook. I sat down to eat but as soon as I took a bite I knew it wasn't her cooking. I remember her cooking very well. It was the best I've ever tasted. I guess she's not tHaT better.

After finishing my food I wanted to sleep. I stared at the couch while rubbing my aching back and neck. No-way! Not spending another night on there. Ayah must be a bit better so...I can share the bed with her.

At that thought, I marched up to the room, changed into a sweat pants and walked to the other side of the bed. Ayah was already asleep. I'd be awake by the time she wakes up, so she won't know whether I slept next to her or not. What she doesn't know won't kill her.

As soon as I got into bed and pulled up the covers, a warm small bodly force pushed me against my back to the floor and I fell with a thud. It was Ayah.

"Hey!" I shouted getting up quickly.

"Why are you here?!" She tiredly scolded.

"To sleep what else, I'm tired" I said getting back into bed only to be pushed one again by Ayah's foot.

"Stop that, will you!"

"Go back to the couch!"

"That thing gave me a back and neck ache, no way am I sleeping there again!" I yelled then got into bed tugging the covers tightly around my body so that I won't fall again.

"Fine!" She said softly.

Suddenly I felt the bed rise a bit at her side. I turned to see her getting a blanket from the drawers and heading towards the door.

"Where I you going?" I asked.

"To sleep on the couch, where else?" she spat.

I jumped off the bed and ran to block the door.

"You're still sick, you're staying here."

"Let me go, Omar. I don't want to bother you."

"Nope. You're staying here." I said before locking the door and putting the key in my pants pocket. I then marched back to bed.

"Sleep tight!" I said then laughed. After hearing her sigh deeply I fell off to sleep. Knowing full well that she couldn't get the guts to pick pocket me while I slept for the key.



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