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It's been 2 days since Ayah's been missing. Well not quite, I just kinda noticed she hasn't been home. The house looked the same as I left it when I went to work and she left no food for me in the fridge. Infact nothing was being touched. I had to sleep with an empty stomach and eat breakfast and lunch out. To be honest I kinda missed her annoying presence and her good cooking.

I tried to ask Zayda if she's seen her, but that would be pathetic. Imagine a husband asking someone else where his wife is? I'd sound so irresponsible. She was my responsibility afterall.

I sat on the couch where she slept and laid on it. It was so uncomfortable. How did she manage to sleep on this? I wonder where she could be. Not that I cared much, or maybe I did. I've been so stressed with work lately that I've been avoiding her, nor even teased or annoyed her. I started to miss our little moments. I drifted off to sleep on the couch and woke up an hour later with an aching neck and back.

"Agh" I yelled at the pain. Then my thoughts returned to Ayah. My gaze fell upon a quilt over a pile of things at the storage area. I walked over and pulled it off. It was her suitcase. It looked empty. I went to my room to see if her things were there. I only noticed the new blanket and pillow I haven't been aware off and wondered where it came from. I found a few more new things. Has she been shopping? How come I wasn't aware? Neither did my bank balance decrease by a cent. Yaa Allah she's been spending on me. The girl barely had a job and she...wait. does this mean she's....she's gone. She left me? But where could she be. I need to bring her back. I realised I haven't been fair to her and no matter how bad she may be, nobody deserved to be treated the way I did to her.

I paced around the room thinking about where she could be. Her friend's or mother's? I started with her mother's place since I didn't know where her friend, Nadeema lived? Yeah that's the only friend of Ayah's I knew. Come to think of it she didn't even show up at the wedding. Not that I looked or anything. I just figured....

The next day, Saturday morning, I got in my car and drove to her 'old' house. It looked quiet and peaceful. It made me wonder if she was home or not, or anyone else for that matter. And if she wasn't what would I say to her mother?

My mother in-law opened the door after I knocked and looked surprised. Ayah's not here is she?

"Come in my son. I was wondering when you'll show up to get your wife?" She said excitedly after we greeted each other.


"Where is she, mother-in-law?" I asked looking around the living room where I was led.

"Up Stairs in her old room. Come follow me."

Wait...why am I going up there? Shouldn't she come down? It's late enough for someone to be sleeping. Her mother opens the door and I followed behind her as she walked in while I looked around the room. It was very girly, but looked alright. Then my gaze fell upon Ayah asleep on her bed looking all pale and puffy.

"What happened to her?" I asked a bit concerned.

"She came here with a minor cold but it must have gotten worse. Do you guys have enough heating in your apartment?" She asked sitting down next to Ayah and feeling her temperature.

I felt a bit guilty. She must have gotten sick because of me.

"Not really, it gets kinda cold in the night" I lied, well not completely. It did get pretty cold at night.

"Well she'll be better soon Insha Allah"

"May I take her with me? I'll take good care of her."

"You don't need to ask, son. She's your wife." Her mother chuckled getting up from the bed.

I needed to take care of Ayah. I needed her to be better.

I needed her.



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