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This can't be. My sister was interested in a guy? Since when was she keen on getting married. If anyone who had to be mad, it was me. Why didn't she tell me. I thought we told each other everything. We were pretty close afterall. Despite the 5 year age gap, we were practically best friend's...at least that's what I thought.


"I don't want to hear any word from you missy"

"But mom..."

"Nope...off to bed with you!"

Ugh...I dragged my feet to my room and plopped on my bed. This is all too weird. My sister was interested in a guy and I wasn't aware about it, she's interested in getting married? What ever happened to..."never ends well and divorce and stuff." Question after questions ran through my head but the one that bothered me most was...why him?

After ramaging through my dresser for snacks I found some peanuts and pretzels. I ate them as I finished my work then went off to sleep. I can't spend the whole night in thought and guilt. I have school tomorrow.


I woke up the next morning as hungry as ever. As my stomach growled, I ran downstairs and prepared a bowl of cereal as a quick meal. My stomach was way too empty to make a big breakfast, and besides... something told me neither my mom or sister were were interested in seeing nor talking to me this morning.

The house was more silent than usual this morning as I slowly ate my breakfast. Then I remembered what happened last night. Why him though. I couldn't quite catch his face but I guess his good job caught her eye or something. By what I discovered yesterday, he doesn't seem to be a charming personality be or such, and if they ever get married... considering the little 'accident' from last night, I don't think it would be a very favorable brother-sister-in-law. World ears would erupt when ever we meet, and I know I never thought of it before but, I wouldn't want such a brother-sister-in-law relationship.

The time was running fast as my mom and sister's room remained shut.it seemed as though they had their own late night part last night and are suffering the consequences of such late night activities. I decided to just get ready and go to school. Before I left, I tried o knock on my sister's door. She did not answer. I felt bad. I know I hurt her sometimes but she would have forgiven me and forgotten about it by now. She of all people knew how careless  and stupid I can be sometimes. Great job ayah. You really did it this time.

I took the bus to school. School wasn't as usual that day. Usually Nadeema, my bestie and I would good around whole day and would annoy our lecturer with tons of questions and answers, but today I just remained silent. Even Nadeema noticed. At lunch time she pulled me to our favourite spot under the tree near the back exit and tried to cheer me up.

"I'm both angry and feel guilty about the situation. Why didn't she tell me she was interested in getting married. I feel stupid for all the times I tried to push all those guys away. Not once did I think...hey maybe she might be interested." I sadly said and my chest tightened.

"Don't blame yourself ok, you didn't know, maybe you should try to speak to her" Nadeema consoled me.

"I hope she allows me to talk to her"

" So you're telling me you poured the whole bowl on his head!?!?" Nadeema suddenly said jumping off topic with made me laugh.

"Yeah, you should have seen his face..." We continued talking and laughing until it was time for our next class. I felt a bit better after talking to her. There was a reason why we were besties. She got me and we told each other everything...unlike my sister apperently who decided to block me out of her life. I don't blame her though, I mean look at me.


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