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It was the brute from the wedding. The one who took a free soup bath. What was he doing here? He surely couldn't be looking for a wife. And what's he doing at my table.? Staying another 5 minutes for that matter. I hope he's not thinking I'm interested in him or marriage for that matter. Plus who would want to marry him? Maybe he got tired from all the rejections from the girls so he decided to cheer himself up by belittling me. Sorry for you mister...I won't play your games.

"Close your mouth, flies might fly in... considering you're surounded by them" he chuckled. I didn't realise I was staring at him this whole time. I closed my mouth and regatheted myself.

"What are you doing here?"

"Same reason as you Dumbo"

"I'm not here for marriage I just came to support someone. If you think I'm going to marry you, then it's best you move on, coz I'm not interested in..."

"Marry you?!" He laughed. " What a joke, to everyone in this room actually"

"No one is interested in you either bozzo"

"Oh they are...half this room can't keep their eyes off me. I'm the one who's not interested in them...let alone you..." He looked at me up and down "... or your rags"

"Then why are you here?"

"This place is pretty boring...I figured might aswell have fun...by annoying you"

"Shut up" he laughed sitting back to his seat.

I decided to not entertain him and just stay quiet for the rest of the 5 minutes. Finally it was time to switch, but he stayed put as the other guy walked around him.

"Don't you have other girls to annoy or something...might aswell do what you came here to do."

"Nah-a...I'm having fun right here." He laughed which caused a shiver down my spine as I felt cold in disgust. This guy is beginning to walk on my nerves.

I decided to stay silent as 3 more guys skipped him. My phone had died a while ago so I was left to just stare at my phone and pretending to keep myself busy. He tried to say something but I just ignored him. Every second with this guy before me, just made me grow more angry and disgusted, but I knew better. He was probably waiting for me to do something stupid, but my promise to my sister was much greater than my anger for him. The upside to this is that he won't get to meet my sister, and she doesn't have to marry him. So in the end ...I win. I'm sure she found a good and loving guy by now or atleast a few.

Finally it was over. The guys gathered in one side and the sisters on the other. The Imam spoke a few words then let us go. I stood at the door waiting for my sister. She came to me after a while with a sullen look on her face.

"Hey sis you ok?" She grabbed my hand in anger and pulled me out of the hall.

"What happened, didn't you meet anyone?"

"No...it's useless...I'm gonna be alone forever" she stopped and fell on my shoulder then began crying.

"Hey that's not true I'll always be here with you."

"That's not what I mean...ugh...you'll never understand!" She pushed me away then ran to the ladies bathroom. Well done Ayah...you did it again. You made your sister cry.

I ran behind her and met her in the bathroom. She cried for a while then I consoled her.

"Sis, maybe not today, but I'm sure you'll meet him someday...soon. Allah listens to your Duas and he will not let you down" I whispered in her ears as I rubbed her back. She hugged me tightly and got herself ready.

"Let's go pray" I followed her to the Masjid then we made our ASR  together. After that she took my hand and led me to her car.

Before we got there, my sister said she forgot something in the bathroom and went back to
Get it. After a while of waiting by her car, I noticed her getting out of the Masjid while talking to the Imam and another guy. A younger, handsome and pious looking guy. I smiled as I saw him smile at my sister then exchanged greetings. My smile grew wider as my sister walked gracefully down the path to her car with a huge smile on her face.


"Yes ayah?"

"Was that..."

"Mmmhhhmmm" she nodded her head as the smile on her face grew wider.

"You found someone!" I shreeked before pulling her into a very tight embrace.
Alhamdulillah Yaa rabbi. You truly are the greatest.

"Alhamdulillah!" We both said . Then she drive us home.


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