Chapter 28

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                               Priest                            Atlanta , Ga                               9:00am I laid there with my head on my mother's shoulder not realizing that I had fell asleep

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                           Atlanta , Ga
I laid there with my head on my mother's shoulder not realizing that I had fell asleep. I was suddenly awakened by the sound of my phone ringing. I took my out of my pocket and it was Faith calling so I answered immediately.
Phone Conversation
Priest💙: hello ?

Faith😘❤️: hi this is ember faith's best friend I'm sorry for calling you like this but it's important

Priest💙: uh okay it's fine what's going on ?

Faith/ Ember😘❤️: um it's faith she .. she's in the hospital ..

Priest💙: wait wait slow down what ?

Faith/Ember 😘❤️: she's in hospital she was staying at my house last night and she texted me like around 7:45 and told me to come back home and when I got there she was all covered in blood it was everywhere .. on her arms .. legs .. on the floor I didn't know where it was coming from so I jus rushed her to the ER

Priest💙: oh my god stay with her ember I'm coming right now I'm actually at the hospital myself what's the room number?

Faith/Ember😘❤️: uh the room number is 1104 I'm just sitting in the waiting room for right now still waiting on the doctor for some news in her

Priest💙: okay I tell you what when the doctors get there to let you know how she is .. you call me right back as soon as they come to you

Faith/Ember😘❤️: okay okay I will

Priest💙: okay and ember ?

Faith/Ember😘❤️: yeah ?

Priest💙: thank you so much for letting me know

Faith/Ember😘❤️: no problem what's your name ?

Priest💙: it's Priest

Faith/Ember😘❤️: nice to meet you

Priest💙: nice to meet you too I'll see you soon

Faith/Ember😘❤️: okay

I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket as I felt my eyes get watery. I cared about Faith a lot more than she even knew. All I could think about was why she would doing something to herself like this ... for what reason ? I sat back down in the chair beside my mother's hospital bed and even though she was unconscious , I began to talk to her.

" Hey mama , It's me your son Priest. I know you might not be able to hear me right now but I came to check up on you as soon as I could. I can hear you fussing me at me now if you were able too , you would say , " Boy what the hell took you so long to come see about me " and those would be your words exactly too that's what makes it so crazy. Kody's finally out the hospital. I'm supposed to check up on him when I get back to LA. I'm hanging in there and holding it all together for the sake of you and Auntie but I don't know how long I can hold everything in , I mean I can only take so much at one time. First my father , but I mean that didn't really phase or bother me as much. Then you with your drinking and mild heart problems. Now my best friend Faith is here in the hospital too , I pray to God she's okay. I just don't know what I would do if you left me here in this world. Please. Please. Please don't leave me yet. I love you mama.

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