Mattia Romano

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Disclaimer: This is NOT FANFIC, so if that is what you are looking for, this is not the book for you. If you decide to stick around, thank you so much for the love and support!


Mattia's POV

-Monday morning-




I groan as I hear the alarm of my phone go off. I lift my head from my pillow and check the time.


My name is Mattia Romano. I am 17 and I go to Miami Beach. And right now I am tired as shit...

I get up and get ready to train. I take about 20 minutes getting ready and go downstairs to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I meet my little brother, Carlo. He is 15, but to me he will always be my baby brother.

"Carlo." I nodded at him, and he looked my way.

"Sup, Matty" He said with a large smile on his face

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"Sup, Matty" He said with a large smile on his face.

"Don't call me that."

"Oh come on Matty, late night? You look like shit."

I glared at him and was about to beat him to the ground until I heard a voice behind me.

"Oh, c'mon now boys let's not have you killing each other before breakfast."

"Fuck, I don't wanna have to clean that mess up!"

"Fuck, I don't wanna have to clean that mess up!"

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