Vanessa Rosario

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Mia's POV

-Wednesday Morning-

Curly and I hopped outta my moms car and made our way to class. My mom said she was off today so we could take her Mercedes. Honestly, my mom has been off a lot lately, it's starting to worry me although I know I shouldn't give two shits.

We were walking through the hallway when I saw her. Or more like I saw... them. Together. Holding hands. She looked like she came straight out of a latin beauty magazine. She was beautiful from head to toe. With her long brown silky hair, and full lips. Her skin was perfect and pale with rosie cheeks. Her perfect dainty yet wide eyes were the same chocolate brown as Mattia's. I was jealous at the way she clung to him, like if he let her go she would drown with out him.

I released the breath I didn't know I was holding and I felt my body tense up with anger. I didn't even know why I was so angry, it's not like we were together or anything.

"Hey... tell me that's not him." I could see the anger and annoyance in Curly's eyes as I nodded my head yes. "Son of a bitch!"

"Hey, calm down, I don't wanna cause a seen." We continued walking past him, I tried my best to look like I didn't care where he was sticking his tongue, but knowing him, he would probably see right through it. I hated that he could do that, other than Curly, no one else could. Learning to hide my emotions was a skill I took a long time perfecting, and it was all for nothing with him.

As I walked past, not even sparing him a glance, he noticed me and out of the corner of my eye I could tell he was staring again. He looked from me to Curly and back to me. I may have been mistaken, I didn't really have the best view, but from where I was standing I thought I saw a flash of pain, guilt, and jealousy, mixed in a palette of anger. At least he knew how I felt.

I saw the girl look at him then at me and she took his chin and began to suck his face off. Gross, no mercy. He didn't object and he started massaging the back of her neck. She looked like she was about ready to take his shirt off, but I forced myself not to look. I just kept walking.

We made it to 1st period where Curly was dropping me off.

"Shouldn't I be the one walking YOU to class?" I asked with a giggle. He was the new one.

"Nah, I got it. If I run into any troubles or get lost I'll text your friend... Adrian!" I saw a glint in his eyes as he said the name and gave him a confused smile.

"You have his number?"

"No, but if you wanna help me change that?" He flashed a mischievous grin. I sent him Adrian's number through a text and went inside.

The class was fun, I talked with Mag and Sofia about the disgusting scene in the hallway and they were all shocked.

"And way you talked about him... I can't believe he would do this!"

"Me too..." I said, partially under my breath.

By the time 2nd period rolled around I dreaded walking into the class and still being paired up with him right now. I promised myself I wouldn't let him know how hurt I was.

I walked in and he was already sitting there as always.

I sat down without making eye contact and halfway through the class there was a worksheet we were instructed to do in groups of our own choosing. I joined the 3 douches who were friends with Asher Kingston. We worked together and they were obnoxiously persistent in getting a date with me. I was mad at Mattia, but I wasn't THAT mad.

The class ended and I went out to the same table under the tree where we always sat. It was nice out today and the sun was shining brightly, with the breeze in my face I managed to calm my nerves and cool down.

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