Her Eyes

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Disclaimer: One more time, this book is not fan fiction. I felt Mattia and Isa fit the images for my characters. This book is completely fiction, and I do not own any of the pictures I add, I just borrow them to provide a sense of what the characters look like.

Thank you for reading! ❤️


Mattia's POV

-Tuesday morning-

The morning went by fast, woke up got ready, left the house, trained, went back home, then to school. Damn my mornings are busy.

I got to school, went to class and was almost late thanks to Alejandro's lazy ass.

We sat in math and I noticed a girl that looked familiar, she was talking with yet another girl I swore I'd seen before.

Oh shit, they caught me staring. I don't make any effort to look away and I just get some flirty smiles and then they laugh with each other and look away.

Aah, now I know where I'd seen them, they are friends with mia Bellezza! Ya, I remember seeing them sit with her at lunch.

After that... strange encounter, I went to 2nd period excited to see... her. Excited to smell her enchanting perfume, and excited to feel the warmth of her body sitting only inches from mine. Oh how strong the urge was to pick her up and sit her down on my lap-


C'mon Mattia, you can't be thinking like this, you practically have a fiancée.

"Well someone seems distracted." I turned to Alejandro and he gave me a smirk with a raised eyebrow. "Care to tell me who it is your thinking of... me perhaps?" He batts his eyelashes and I roll my eyes.

"Don't you have a class to go to?"

"Or..." he gasps dramatically. "NO! Is it... the girl your crushing on that you don't know the name of?!?" He shakes his head. "I did NOT see that one coming!"

"Shut up." I am now practically slitting his throat with my eyes.

He smiles and winks at me while blowing me a kiss.

This is why our friendship worked. He wasn't afraid of me or what I would do to him, although sometimes he should be. He knew me well enough to know I would never hurt- ok well, seriously hurt- well... he knew I wouldn't kill him... on purpose.

We parted ways and I got to science earlier than usual. I patiently waited, staring at every body that came through the door until I saw the one that belonged to my bella.

She was perfect. With her perfect luscious curls bouncing around her head, her perfect green eyes that could make me her slave, her clothes that stuck to her perfectly beautiful curves, her perfectly soft skin and perfectly round lips that I would give anything to-


Shit. I looked at her slightly surprised by her sudden outburst, but also amused at how I affected her. I could tell she was flustered and she had only been sitting here for... what? 5 seconds? I give her a confused look with a smirk. "I didn't say anything."

"Yea, well you've been staring at me since yesterday and I can't figure out why... "

Well shit, looks like I wasn't so discreet. Fuck it.

"Well, maybe it's cause I like the view." I give her a smirk and pray she doesn't see the embarrassment on my face.

    "Wowww, excuse me while I gag!" She rolls her beautiful emeralds for eyes. "Is that really your best line?"

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