Mommy Issues

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Mia's POV

-Tuesday afternoon-


I looked away from those deep brown eyes and checked the clock. Sure enough, school was over. I was a little disappointed but I quickly said goodbye to... Romano, and walked out of the class. I was still on the after high of feeling his skin against mine, I couldn't help it. Something about him made me want to scream, in a good way.

I walked to the front of the school and sure enough, there was my mom. I know, I am 17 and I still get picked up from school by my mom, but before the move I either walked home or rode with Curly. I mean I know how to drive and everything I just don't have a car. I never really had to get one before.

I got in my mom's car not really caring how many stares I was getting. We drove and as soon as we got home I started my homework. My mom went back to work and we didn't say much to each other.

Halfway through I got a call. As I heard the phone ring my stomach clenched and my throat started to close up. What if it was Romano? I quickly picked up without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey, Beautiful."

I smiled from ear to ear, not being able to contain my excit- wait! Did he just call me beautiful?

"Curly?" I said into the phone with a sudden amount of disappointment.

"Well don't sound too excited."

I laughed, "Sorry I just thought you were someone else."

"Uumm, someone who you were more excited to talk to then ME?"

"Well, I sorta, kinda, gave Romano my number and he should be calling me soon to... work on a project."

"Wait... Romano? Is this that guy you were talking to me about?"


I hear his exaggerated gasp through the phone. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Tell me MORE!"

I laugh, "Well, technically Romano is his last name, but I dont know his actual name yet so... He and I are partners in science and english, so he asked for my number, that's all really."

"Okaaay, what about that other guy, what was his name? Kacey? Kahlid? Cole?"

"Khalil..." I smile at the remembrance of our time together this morning."

"Well, to me it looks like you got two different boys after your attention! Damn girl, Miami is changing you." I heard him fake cry and I let out a scoff. "They're stealing you from me!"

"You're just mad because the guys are finally starting to pay attention to me after years of all the girls only ever seeing you, and your loser friend."

He laughs. "Well you know the only girl I ever wanted to pay attention to was my loser friend."

This is true, in highschool Curly never had a girlfriend, to this day he is still single. But it was definitely not cause no one liked him. Half of the girls at our school wanted to be the one on his arm instead of me. This was one reason many girls despised me, but I didn't care. Curly only put up with me cause I was his best friend. Nothing more, even if some people thought otherwise.

I sat there and talked with him for another hour and we both just talked about what had been going on with our lives. I was still missing him and wished he could be here with me, I missed laughing with him face to face.

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