The Proposal

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Mattia's POV

-Saturday Morning-



I turned my head and glanced at the ringing phone and noticed it was mine. I glanced at the screen and turned away for a second annoyed that Bella and I were having a moment and someone HAD to call me NOW!

Then my heart stops and I realize what I saw. A picture. It was Nessa. I immediately turn to Bella with pure horror on my face. She was just looking at the picture and reading the words "Wifey" on my phone screen. Before I could say anything else she is already getting up and putting on her shoes. I jump up and try to stop her from leaving but she wasn't listening.

"Mia, please let me explain!" I try to grab her shoulder or her arm. "Mia, please!" I kept yelling her name trying to get her to stop and she keeps pulling away. I am frustrated and angry, I don't know how to feel. Why do I care so much about what this girl thinks of me?

Honestly, at this point, I don't care! I just do! I don't want her thinking what I KNOW she is thinking!

Then I saw her walk out the door and a hand wrapped around my arm. I struggle for a second until I look back to see who it is. It's Leo and Sammie, they are both holding me from going after Mia Bellezza.

"Let me GO!" I started getting mad, but no matter how many times I try to shove and elbow them off they hold on tighter.

"C'mon Mattia, calm down!" I hear Sammie's voice in my ear but I don't pay any attention to it.

"Mattia, you need to wait until your calmer to talk to her! Just relax."

I start to calm down and I stop struggling against their hold. They sit me down and stand in front of me.

"What's going on, Romano?" I hear the name and flinch, it's what she always calls me.

"I got a call from Nessa, and Bella saw it. We were having a moment! But then she saw Wifey and left!"

"Well can you blame her?" Sammie looks at me with her arms crossed. "She probably thinks you are in a relationship that's pretty serious, but your a playboy and it's long distance, and so you decided to play around a bit because you got bored. Then realizing she was a challenge you got intrigued and decided you would stick around for the chase. Then when it was time to reunite with your girlfriend you would deny everything that happened and pretend she no longer exists."

"That's oddly descriptive..."

"I'm not a guy! I am a woman! That's what I would think and it's most likely what she thinks."

"Great." I look down feeling totally defeated. "Well... there goes that."

"Hey, c'mon Boss, just talk to her when you come back from your trip. It'll give her some time to think and calm down, same goes for you."  Leo gives me a pat on the back as I get up and walk to my room.

I  lay on my bed and decide to stay there until my flight, no use in trying to do anything.

-2 Hours to Flight-

I decided I would get my ass out of bed and do something, so I made my way to the gym. If anything could clear my mind it would be kicking some ass.

As soon as I got there I said hey to Pop. He was the manager and since I basically own the place and been coming here since our move, we knew each other pretty well.

I saw Bullet unwrapping his hands.

"Done already?" I asked him.

"Been here for a while, you know what you just missed Bellfire. She just went in to change."

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