Cherry Blossoms

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Author's Note: Finishing up with the last weekend long update! Stay tuned for book 2!

Till we meet again,
Your girls, B&Kay❤️


Mattia's POV

I abruptly jerked into a sitting position on my bed. It was 5:32 AM and I couldn't see Mia Bellezza in bed. She must have went to the gym early today. I jumped out of bed and ran to put on some pants. I found a hoodie and threw it on, scrambling for my shoes. While tying my shoe laces I looked for Bella's number and called it, putting it on speaker.

Last night we went for about 5 fucken rounds of amazing sex without a single fucking condom. I didn't expect her to leave so early considering how tired she was from our night of... exercise.

The phone rang and rang and I was about to give up when I finally heard a voice!

But it wasn't my angel's sweet voice. It was a man's, deep and throaty. "What do you want?"

"Bullet?" I guessed.

"Yes! What the fuck do you want, your girl is busy, you have all day, call back later." And with that, the line went dead.


I finished lacing up my shoes and left my room. I  got into the car garage and dug in my pockets to see which keys I had on me.

Lambo Truck it is.

I hopped into Leonardo and sped off, nervously weaving through traffic in my state of panic. I got to the Mansion and sped inside, making my way to the training room. When I got there I saw Samuel and Teo with the little Falcone twins, Angelo and Little Leo.

"Have any of you guys seen Bullet or Misa?" I called out to them.

They turned to me and all shrugged and shook their heads.

I cursed under my breath and ran to the locker room. I know Bella didn't really use the lockers here, but I might as well give it a shot.

When I got there she was taking a cold shower in her underwear and no bra, looking sexy as fuck. She looked at me through the mirrors with those beautiful green eyes and smiled. I nearly forgot what the fuck I came here for, until I saw her uncovered stomach and jumped.

"Bella!" I said, in a frantic tone I could not hide for shit.

"Orso..." She turned around and looked at me, confused.

"Last night... we didn't use protection, did we?" I asked, even though I knew the answer all too damn well.

"..." she paused for a second, deep in thought. Her eyes widened a little in surprise, but her overall expression remained surprisingly calm. She shrugged her shoulder, "I'm clean if that's what your worried about, you know that."

"No! Of course it's not that!"

"Then... what's the big deal?" She asked.

I stared at her in disbelief, was she really still clueless. "Pregnancy?" I asked, still panicking about 10 times more than her.

"Oh." Is all she said, "Well, I'm not worried."

"What? What do you mean, 'you're not worried'?" I started to hyperventilate just a little bit more. "Bella, I'm only 18, and your still 17! I don't want a baby right now."

"Well, I do, so don't worry about it too much. Just consider yourself a sperm donor of sorts." She said, nonchalantly. She turned off the shower and wrapped her  towel around her body, walking over to her clothes.

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