The Plan

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Mia's POV

I looked to Mattia for some kind of clarification.

"What choice?" I asked, OBVIOUSLY still missing something.

Mattia's face fell and he looked down at his hands. Then he looked up at his father with a look of determination and a hint of anger. He picked up my hand and pressed it possessively to his chest.

"Yes I have. I hope you understand you are not going to change my decision.... But I hope you reconsider. NO ONE has worked harder for this than I have and you know it. You know that I deserve it more than anyone!"

I didn't understand what was going on, just that for some reason, Enzo wasn't very pleased seeing me with his son.

"Guys, what's going on?" I asked, still wanting answers.

The two didn't stop staring each other down and I began to feel like this was a personal matter.

"Okay... I am going to go to the bathroom, I will see you two later."

I left and went down to the kitchen to get some water. No I didn't need to go to the bathroom, but it was getting real uncomfortable in there real fast!

As I made my way back up the stairs I heard my name being called.


I turned to face Enzo. He had a slight smile on his face, very different from how he looked in Mattia's room before I left.

"Enzo? Hey. What's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that we love you being around more. You're father was apart of this Mafia, so you are too by blood. We will always be family to you and we'll always have your back. I hope you know this Mafia cares a lot about you."

He seemed genuine so I smiled back and thanked him. "Crazily enough, I have felt more at home here than at my own house. I don't know if you know this... but my mom and I aren't close. I think about my father all the time, but one thing I will always wonder, is how things would have turned out if he wasn't taken from me so soon."

"You know that I didn't stay away from you because it was my choice- hell, if it was up to me I would have moved you guys right back into my house and I would have been your Uncle Enzo! However, I understand your mother just wanted to keep you safe, and away from this life. Funny though, how things worked out. Now your right back to it, no matter the efforts of your mother."

I smiled. He was right. All my life I lived thinking that I was alone in this world. The only people I could count on were Curly and his brothers. My mother let me believe this for so long. When it turned out I have a very large family who love me no matter what and would keep me safe no matter what. I haven't met half of them and yet I know they would take a bullet for me. Then I remembered something from when I was younger. My dad's funeral.

"Enzo? I actually was wondering..." I sighed. "When we had my dad's funeral, I remember that it was just me and my mom. Then after we got home... there were all these flowers that had been delivered to my house. Actually... to this day I have a deep hate for flowers. They just remind me of how the house smelled when it was filled with them. All kinds too... except for roses. I don't remember there being a single rose in the house."

"Well, your father always hated them. When word got out that he had died, everyone sent their regards. Your father was a man of wise words and courageous actions. He did love literature and nature almost as much as he loved his gun. He actually named it Mia. As in 'his'. So everyone sent flowers. Except the guy did have quite the hate for roses. He said they were such a basic cliche type of flower. Why choose it when there were so many interesting types. No body dared send him roses because even in his death he would haunt which ever mother fucker who decided too disrespected him with such a basic flower."

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