Miami Party (part 2)

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Mattia's POV

-Saturday morning-

I'm an idiot! How could I just assume that was what she wanted! I mean she did try to kiss me in my car yesterday... NO! I was stupid, and inconsiderate! Now she may never forgive me. What have I done? I should have fucking asked her!

Knock, Knock

"Come in..."

I see Ale's head peek in to my room. "You okay? I saw Mia run outta here..."

"I'm an idiot, but I'm fine."

"Okay spill it, what did you do this time?" He raises an eyebrow and purses his lips.

"I kissed her..." I said, my voice barley above a whisper.

"Damn. Well, you done fucked up now..." I shoot Ale a glare, I can tell he's being sarcastic. "Sorry, I just don't see the obvious felony in a kiss."

"She pulled away and told me she 'couldn't' and that she was sorry. I don't know what I did wrong either, but it was enough to send her running to the hills, so frankly it doesn't matter! What matters is that she was most likely uncomfortable with me kissing her."

"But I thought she tried kissing you first..."

"She did..."

"So then why was you kissing her any different?" He looked confused and honestly I was asking myself the same question.

"I don't know, man, women are complex creatures. Never get a girlfriend!" As I said this I put my hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"You know what you need? A distraction! Why don't we go to that party later and you can bring home a girl to get your mind off this one." He looks at me excitedly because he knows that where there's a party there's booze, and Alejandro loves his booze. I mean seriously that motherfucker can drink!

"Fine." I say, not wanting to spoil his night. "We'll go, but do not get shit faced, I swear Ale, if you strip like you did last time," I wince at the horrifying and embarrassing memory, "I will leave you at that damn party- scratch that, te deporto a la chingada yo mismo (translation: I will deport your ass myself), GOT IT!"

"Got it!" He says with a childish smile on his face.

-Saturday night-

We arrived at the party and right away Ale is nowhere to be found. He really went to that bar real quick. I made my way to the bar as well when I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Heeey Mattia!"

I turn around and see Emily. She seems a bit tipsy so I carefully separate her arm from mine and and lead her to the bar.

"Baby, I don't wanna sit down, I wanna go dance!" She pouts her lips but the pout quickly turns to a wild smile, she is definitely drunk.

"I think you need some water..." I grab her waist and sit her down again.

"No, what I need is you..." She gives me a devilish expression, leans over to me, pulls me down by the collar of my shirt, and whispers, "in... my... mouth..." She laughs and throws her arms around me and starts to kiss my neck. I try to push her off, but I also don't want to hurt her. I gently set her on the bar stool and hold her by the shoulders.

"Look, I am gonna go get your brother, stay here and don't leave. If you listen, when I get back we can dance, okay?"

"Okay..." She says with a smile, she rests her arm on the bar for balance and I quickly go and find Asher.

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