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Mattia's POV

I got to school the next day tired as fuck.  I barely slept and I couldn't stop thinking about what my dad had told me. If the person this random guy, who attempted to kill my father, threatened wasn't Katrina, then I am fresh out of guesses. Nevertheless this does explain why Bella is connected to the mafia without her knowing anything about the mafia at all.

I got to school and Ale went to "go handle something" in the main hall janitor's closet before class started. I knew exactly what he was doing, but had know interest in knowing who he was doing it with.

When he got to class he was 10 minutes late. I gave him a surprised look and he shrugged. I laughed and coughed the words "man whore".

In response he rolled his eyes, "Don't you shame me! We all know who the bigger man slut is, and it sure ain't the sexy ass cuban to your left."

The class eventually ended and I dabbed up Ale as we parted ways and agreed on where to meet after class.

As I was walking down the hall I passed Bella, looking as fine as ever. I stopped at her locker and leaned against the locker next to her own with one arm.

"What do you want?" She gave me an unamused look and I smiled.

"Is it such a crime to take pleasure in looking upon a face as beautiful as yours for an extended amount of time?" I gave her an innocently questioning look.

"I really wish it was..." I chuckle and gently graze her arm with my hand, amused at the shivers that I know I sent down her spine.

"It's cute you think that would stop me." She rolls her eyes... again, and we walk to our class together.

As we walked into class I saw a couple lingering stares on Bella as she walked by in her long sleeve with a surplus amount of cleavage. She wore over it a jean jacket and had her hair in a bun. She wore a pair of jeans that, in my opinion, showed off way too much skin.

I felt an immense anger building inside of me as I noticed how many guys would just wish to have this girl in front of me. I knew exactly what they wanted though, and their intentions were anything but chivalrous. They wanted a new fuck, maybe even a challenge. The day she was a somebody in the eyes of Asher Kingston, was the same days she became a somebody in the eyes of every other horny ass guy at this school.

I guess in my mind I just hoped she was smart enough to stay away from those guys no matter what.

I sat down and the bell rang, the teacher began the lesson of today and announced our first partner project in the class. I glanced over at Mia Bellezza from the corner of my eye, she seemed in a state of moral dilemma. I turned toward her and she started talking.

"Okay. I will go to your house later and work on the project AS your PARTNER and NOTHING more, GOT IT?"

I smirked and nodded. "Meet me at my car after school and I'll give you a ride."

After class I met up with Ale and we went to pick up some chinese food. I filled him in on the whole Bella situation and he let me know that as long as I stayed away from her I would stay distracted, but the longer I stayed near her the more of a distraction she would be.

"So basically I'm fucked either way?" I gave him a look of sheer annoyance. How was this helping me feel better?

"Yup. This is why I don't get feelings. They complicate everything too damn much." He took a bite of his food and we went back to school when we were both finished eating.

The day went by fast, apparently 6th period, Bella and I had a pretty  important part of the English semester project due in a couple days. Guess we can add that to the list of things we should get done.

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