Miami Party (part 1)

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Mattia's POV

-Saturday morning-

I woke up completely unrested. I just couldn't sleep last night. I mean now I know the big secret! Bella is Sebastian Corazòn's daughter and Katrina was his wife and her mom. Nevertheless, Bella doesn't know, and it should be her mom to tell her. Although, they do have a bad relationship maybe it would be better coming from me, a friend... right? But I feel like there's something else. Something that just doesn't add up.

Either way, I don't think now is the right time. The only problem is keeping it secret. The last thing I want is for my Bella to think I don't want to tell her, or worse, that she can't trust me. Maybe if I just talk to her mom she might tell Bella herself.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone as I hear a text message.

"Hey Romano."

It's Mia Bellezza! I quickly answered her text."Good Morning, Bella."

"You still picking me up to work on the project?"

"Of course, what did you think I would break my promise?"

"Hah, not like you haven't done that before..."

"When!" I make sure she can hear my exasperation through the phone.

"When I told you to stop stalking me..."

"Hey! I never promised anything, especially since I knew I couldn't keep it."

"Whatever, I'm ready so hurry up."

"Alright, Alright, wow, so bossy..."

I laugh quietly to myself and put my phone away. Well at least I knew things weren't going to be awkward.

I quickly got ready, got in my car, and drove to her house. As I pulled up I saw her on her porch swing waiting. Fuck! I hope she wasn't waiting too long.

She got in the passenger seat and turned to me. Oh Bella, sexy as usual I see.

"Hi!" She said, excitedly.

"Wow, you actually seem happy to see me... wierd."

"I am happy to see you! Believe it or not, I consider you to be one of my best friends since I came to Miami."

Why did it hurt when she said the word friend?

"Woow, what did I do to deserve such high praise?" I gave her my suspicious look, eyes wide and brows raised.

"Nothing, you were just a sexy ass motherfucker from science and english, and for that I am grateful." I laughed as I remembered our first conversation over the phone, and I spotted the gleam in her eyes as she laughed alongside me. It's an amazing feeling when there is nothing else but me and her beautiful eyes for what seems like miles.

I drove home and we talked all the way there. It had only been over 12 hours since I last saw her, there was a lot to catch up on. The whole time though I had to make sure not to reveal all the secrets I was now hiding from her. I didn't like it and I prayed she wouldn't ask too many questions, because if she asked... I didn't wanna think about what I would say. I can't lie to her, I just can't!

We arrive at the mansion and as soon as we get there I see Leo, Samuel, and Carlo on the couch looking like they just woke up.

"Hey guys, Mia, this is Leo and Samuel, and that little bitch in the dinosaur pajamas is my little brother Carlo."

Mia's POV

As soon as I step through the door the smell of manly cologne assaults my nose. How was I supposed to stay focused when it smelled like THIS in here!?!

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