The Ultimatum

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Mia's POV

-Wednesday afternoon-

"Just go." Mattia reached over his chest with his left arm to give me slight shove.

"Never!" I pressed myself tighter into him, snuggling into his bare, toned, perfectly sculpted, tanned, chis- Ahem. His chest.

"C'mon, Bella. You can't stay here all day. I know I do, but that doesn't mean you have to stay here and share my boring fate."

Mattia has been trying to convince me to explore the Mansion, and make some new friends for the past 20 minutes.

"What if I want to! This IS what couples do. They stick together no matter what, you said it yourself! And right now I wanna stick with you." I said, making sure to give him my best pouty face.

He took one look and closed his eyes, scrunching his nose, and looked away. "No! I refuse to fall for your tricks! Besides, we are not technically a couple yet. Unless you trynna change that." He turned to face me giving me his best seductive look with a raised eyebrow. He started leaning in closer to me for a kiss.

"Nooooooo." I quickly rolled off the bed gently pushing his chest back. "Okay. Okay, I will go explore or whatever."

"You know I really should be offended that the mere idea of kissing me makes you run for the hills, but you are a better person than I will ever be, Mia Bellezza. You won't cheat on him... and I guess I respect you more for that. However, your restraint will always be better than mine, but only when it comes to you."

Okay, now I was trying really hard not to blush! He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I laughed at his determination, but I didn't let him get what he wanted just yet. I turned my head and snuggled into his neck as he laughed in my ear.

His low sexy chuckle was really starting to stir the pot of excitement that had already began boiling in me.

"You're a angel... and I love that about you." He said the words in a deeper voice than usual. He was probably hard right now or something.

The sound of the L word rolling off his lips made my heart skip a beat, but I tried not to think too much about it.

"Yea, yea, whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I will go down to the training room and check out some of the sexy Italians this place has to offer." I gave him a playful wink.

"If you won't cheat on your 'boyfriend' with me, you won't cheat on him with anyone!" He said.

I smiled seductively. "Is that WORRY in your voice, Mr. Romano?" I asked, keeping the smile and adding a hand to my chest for a fake dramatically shocked expression.

"No. No it was not."

"Okaaaay. See you in half an hour... if he's quick. I'll let you know." I gave him one last wink and heard him angrily/worriedly call my name before I closed the door and laughed.

I made my way down the many hallways, aimlessly, hoping that I was actually getting somewhere. I walked past a room that looked like a living room, except there was definitely multiple of those. I found the kitchen and then a bunch of rooms. Then I finally came upon what looked like a training room and went inside.

The place was huge. It was a room the size of my house! There was a bunch of different weight machines on one side of the room and then on the larger side there was a ring and a couple dummies and punching bags. I noticed a sliding glass door that lead outside where there was even more training equipment. I walked in and saw some guys all relatively young, and ALL ripped as fuck. As soon as I came in they noticed me and hesitated for a second. Then they all turned my way from where they were training and stood up straight. They placed their open right hands on their hearts and with their left hand behind their backs, they bowed their heads slightly, and then continued training. I stood their in confusion until Sammie came up behind me.

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