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Warning: Long Chapter Ahead!

Mia's POV

I open my eyes and all I see is white. White... everywhere. I look down at myself and see that I'm still in bloody clothes.

Damn it.

Did I die?

"Mattia?" I shout. "Enzo? Sammie? Leo? Ale? Samuel? Carlo? Nessa?" I hesitate a moment. "Mom?"

"Now why was she the last person you tried calling out to?"

I jumped a little at the deep voice booming out at me. I looked around and saw a relatively young man standing there in a grey suit. He was blurry because of the blinding light, but I could make out some of his features. Not a stain or smudge visible on his fancy suit.

"Oh shit. Are you God? Am I dead?" I asked with a fearful shake in my voice.

The man chuckled. Then he walked closer to me. Now I could see him clearly enough. So clearly the air in my throat got caught and my chest began to clench. I felt a tear sting my eye as the man smiled at me and I saw the happiness in his beautifully green eyes.

I stayed there for a while, motionless as he stepped closer to me. He tucked a strand of my curly hair behind my ear. "Dad?" I felt the tear run down my cheek. "Daddy."

He smiled and held his hand to my cheek, using his thumb to wipe the tear from my face.

I rushed into his arms holding him as tight as I could and he chuckled.

"I missed you too, Principessa (Princess)!"

"Oh my god! Papa, I missed you so much!" But... if I was with him and he was... dead, does that mean... I'm dead?

"You aren't dead, mija."

I looked at him with surprise as he said it. Like he could read my mind.

"But... I-I think I'm ready. I want to be with you now. It's too hard down there. I love you, Dad, and I wanna spend time with you! I'm ready!" By now the sobs were escaping me uncontrollably.

"Well, if you want to come with me... come." He held out his hand to me and smiled.

I took it and sighed.

"But I hope you're making the right decision." He said, softly. "You know you're young. Who knows what you are going to miss. Who you're going to leave behind. If you're going to regret it."

"But... everything is gonna be easier now. I'm going to be with you and I'm going to be happy." I said.

"Okay. I can't complain." He kept his calm stature, but furrowed his eyebrows. "So you aren't going to miss your friends? Your family? Mattia?"

"Mattia? How do you know about Mattia?" I asked.

"Now, you didn't think just because I physically left you that I ever really left did you? Because, Misa, I have always been with you. Even if you couldn't see me. I was there through the tough times, the happy times, the sad times, and the scary times. I am glad that you met Mattia, you know. I couldn't have asked for a better young man to take care of you. I know he is very similar to his father in many ways." He smiled again and I couldn't help smiling too.

"Well, I am going to miss them all... but I will see them again. I-I just wanna be with you now."

"Are you sure. Because once you decide... you won't be able to go back."

I bit the inside of my cheek in thought and subconsciously reached for the ring on my neck.

"Now, who gave you my ring?" He asked, playfully.

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