Happy Late Birthday!

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Author's Note: Daaaaamn! You made it to Chapter 50! Hope you're enjoying the story! Early Update for y'all cause it's B&Kay's Friend-aversary!!!!!

Mattia's POV

As I layed in my bed, my door suddenly  swung open and in stepped my father. "Son, we need to talk about your birthday. The ball will be at the end of the month, so don't make any plans." My father's words surprised me, I didn't think the ball was still happening.

"The ball? But Dad, I'm with Misa..."

"I know that you're 'dating' Misa, but you aren't married. As amazing as she is she isn't permanent-"


"It's true! Don't act like Misa isn't leaving in a few months. You need a wife! A queen! Misa will be gone before the next Imperial Ball and you know it! You can't keep leaning on your girlfriend, Mattia. It's time for you to find a wife... and that's that." And with that he turned around and left the room.

Mia's POV


So it's been a week since I moved back in full time with my mom. I kept my promise to my father and I have recently been trying to spend more time with her. I got to know her a little more which seems weird considering she's my mom. But ever since I can remember the only hobby she had was getting shit faced.

Now that I have the chance, I am willing to learn more about her and in return she learns more about me too. Which again... daughter... but I guess she missed my childhood just as much as I did.

We were currently at a restaurant with Mattia. She has been trying to show an effort with Mattia as well. She has given him a second chance without bias and that's all I could ask for.

"So, what was your favorite thing to do growing up? I mean, what did you do when I wasn't home?"

I smile as I remember the many books I would borrow from the library. "Well, believe it or not, I was a big ass bookworm. I mean, it's how I kept up with all the languages. Dad would have wanted me to know the ones he did and more. I only managed to keep a few, but I am okay with the ones I have in my repertoire."

My mom stretches a smile across her face and I can't help but smile as well.

"What about you, Mattia, did you or do you have any hobbies?" She asked.

"Actually, I spent most of my childhood training physically for my role in the Mafia so eventually I stopped looking at training as chore and more like a game. A sport. A hobby even... It really helped me deal with my anger management." He said, nodding. I held his hand under the table and looked at him with a smile.

"And what about friends? Both of you, what have your social lives looked like?"

"For me it was just Curly for a long time. However, he is more of a brother to me than a friend. Same with his brothers. Then, we moved to Miami and I met a whole group of people that are now my best friends." I said, thinking of my wonderful group of day 1's since I been in Florida.

Mattia was quick to answer after me. "Well, I moved to Italy when I was young, and during that time most of the people I hung out with were family of some sort. Then in Cuba I met my best friend and brother to this day, Alejandro Valdez."

"And Alejandro lives with you now?" she asked.

"Yes, his parents thought it a great opportunity to come study in the states for highschool. My dad arranged so that he could come stay with us and go to school alongside myself and my younger brother, Carlo."

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