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Enzo sat in his chair, reading and checking through all his business stats when he was interrupted by Leo.

"Enzo. The mole sent us a message." Said Leo with a very serious expression.

Enzo got up immediately and walked to the meeting room. He was greeted by a few of his men and quickly asked them about the message.

"They are going to kill him tonight." He read.

It was a brief text and from an unrecognized number. Enzo's mind immediately went to all the 'he's' in his family. Carlo, Mattia, Alejandro, Leo, Samuel. Leo and Samuel were here. Carlo was upstairs. Alejandro was in the hospital with 24 hour security... MATTIA!

"Find my SON!" He ordered. "Do not let him die tonight! And Stellita," He turned to Sammie. "... make sure Misa is safe and secure as well. If she's with her mother have your men stay there and guard the place until they are called off. If she's anywhere else, get her back here as quick as possible." He ran a hand over his face and sighed. "I pray that they aren't in danger, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happens to them."

Leo and Samuel quickly got the location on his car and headed straight there. They found his car parked at Domino Park in Havana, but no Mattia.

Samuel tried to call Mattia on the way there, but it went straight to voicemail. He called again when they were out of the car and nothing. Then again... nothing.

Samuel tried Mia as well, but she wouldn't pick up either.

"Fuck!" Leo spoke into his intercom. "Boss, Mattia ain't here."

Enzo's voice spoke back from the otherside of the earpiece. "Find the assassin then. I'm sure whoever is doing all this wouldn't put themselves in danger like this. They most likely hired an assassin. He's in the public so were most likely looking at a sniper. Check all the highest buildings."

"Si, Capo (Yes, Boss)."

Leo and Samuel decided to split up. There were three possible buildings where sniping would be easiest near by. Samuel checked the first one and Leo the next. They checked roofs of course, but nothing.

They met back up and checked the last location.


"What's our next point?" Asked Samuel.

"Up there." Leo said, pointing to the building they were standing under.

Right over there heads, a man was standing on the roof of what looked like a small cafe. He was dressed in all black and already readying his gun.

"Go, NOW!" The men ran as fast as they could inside, the people stared at him as they went, but they ignored them. They raced to the back of the building and foud the ladder to the roof. They rammed through the door and the man looked back at them. He quickly fired his shot without looking anymore and turned to Leo and Samuel before they got much closer. There was an eruption of chaos and screams down below. The Sniper got out a smaller gun and shot, but Leo and Samuel were well trained and fast. They managed to shoot his leg and run up to him.They tackled him and disarmed him, gagging him so he wouldn't make much noise.

Samuel turned to Leo, a worried expression on his face. "Leo, go find Mattia. I got this."

Leo nodded and made his way down from the building, leaving Samuel with the, now unconscious, assassin.

Leo ran towards the heart of all the screaming and heard passing sirens. Now in a state of panic he ran as fast as he could through the racing crowd. Then he saw Mattia. And Misa.

They both lay in the grass, covered in blood. The ambulance had not gotten to them yet.

"Enzo... were gonna need a team to get here before the ambulance does."

Leo ran over to them and noticed that Mattia was still awake. He was leaning over Mia and screaming her name.

End of Chapter 43

Author's Note: First time missing an update! So I'll double update to make up for it!

Blood of The MafiaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz