Birthday Ball Part 2

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Mia's POV

After my altercation with that Irish prick I was able to calm myself down and go back inside with Ale.

We sat back down and I prayed no one else would come to our table. I don't know if I could deal with another mother fucker like the last.

I finish my fourth glass of apple cider and suddenly Alejandro stands and extends his arm out to me. "The announcements will begin soon, care to join me to the top of the staircase for our formal entrance." His mocking tone makes me laugh and I take his arm.

"So, why am I going? I'm not one of Mattia's bachelorettes." I asked, feeling very nervous to meet the competition I would have all week.

"Mattia insisted that you be introduced as his girlfriend."

"Why?" I look to the floor.

"Misa, why not?" He asked.

"Because... Ale, why are we pretending we can still be together after he gets engaged! Fucking ENGAGED! Again! I'm not gonna deal with that shit again!" I could tell Ale was thinking frantically and he held my hand a little tighter.

"Just... wait until he's made his choice to do anything rash." He slowed down before we reached the line of girls with their escorts. "Please?"

This was the second time someone asked me to do this. Why should I watch him make his decision when I know it can't be me.

"You're asking me to wait until Mattia chooses one of those gorgeous woman to be his wife to break up with him." He gave me a look and slightly nodded. "How will that help anything. It's a lot easier if I just break up with him now so that he's free to have fun with all these girls without needing to feel guilty or committed to anyone... including me."

"Just... trust the process."

I shrug and bite my lip in thought until I see a bunch of beautiful dresses on some even more beautiful girls.

We get to a hallway where I see all the girls who will be in want for Mattia's attention and I begin to feel very self conscious.

I think Alejandro picks up on my nervousness, so he gives my hand a squeeze. "You're good." He says, reassuringly. "And between you and me... you look the absolute best." He gives me a wink and I smile.

And so the announcements begin.

I see that there's a man in a fancy suit at the entrance of the staircase.

He speaks now, in a deep and clear voice. "Ladies and gentlemen! It is time to announce the lovely young ladies who will be courting the young future Capo of the Italian Mafia." The presenter turned his body to the opening of the hall way and gestured to it with a wave of his arm. "Welcome, the beautiful daughter of Liang Song, leader of the Chinese Triad, Mei- Ling Song."

And in came a long- legged, almond eyed girl with pale skin and pink full lips.

Her hair was down past her shoulders and looked as straight and smooth as silk. Her dress matched her visibly soft nature. The dress swung around her as she walked. Trailing her with an unmatched innocent elegance.

She seemed kind and gentle, and very different then I had previously imagined. She walked down the steps slowly, chin held high and smiling. Then, the presenter continued.

"The younger sisters of Liam Castle, leader of the British Castle Mob, welcome the gorgeous twins, Amberleigh and Kyla Rae.

Amberleigh Castle

Amberleigh Castle

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