Charity Balls & Billionaires

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Mia's POV

-Saturday morning-

My eyes flutter open and I am at once blinded by the light. I feel some weight on my chest and realize that it's Mattia. He's sleeping.

I place my hand on his neck and run my fingers through his hair.

I still feel somewhat dizzy but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Then, I heard a voice coming from beside me. "Morning, Sleepy Head."

I look back to my left and see Alejandro. "Awake and kicking I see." I say with a smile.

"Yup, feeling energized and ready to run a marathon." He gives me a smirk, but I can see by the looks of us both we'll be having trouble walking to the bathroom, let alone going on a 26 mile run.

"Ya you best not! I just gave you a fucking ton of my blood, I ain't even gonna let you exerte yourself by taking a shit, so if you think Ima let you run any time soon you are shitting yourself, Mate... literally."

"Ahh, Mia Isabelle, always the rather proper young lady."

"Shut up."

"Oh come on, I was only joking. Everyone loves your sexy tomboy-ish ways!"

"I really don't like you." I narrow my eyes at him and he smirks.

"Now, now, I heard you went into Hypovolemic shock for me. An awful lot of trouble, going out of your way like that, and for someone you don't even like."

"Yup, and now to repay me you will not ever let me walk anywhere again, got it."

"Yea, I don't know about that 'personal chauffeur' life. It isn't my... calling."

"Yea, well you aren't outta the deep end just yet, and if you would like me to continue supplying you with your daily fix I would suggest taking the fucking deal and stop bitching about it."

He pauses for a second... "Well, you drive a hard bargain... but I'm willing to compromise. You keep me alive, and in return, when needed, I will drive you around for the rest of my able life."

"Sounds good."

"Don't you know how to drive?" Ale asked.

"Sure, but I don't have a car. You on the other hand... have multiple." I smiled wide.

"Yea well, those aren't mine. I have ONE car."

"Okay, well Mattia let's you use his whenever you want so they may not be yours, but they are at your service."

He rolls his eyes and I just smile and sigh. "I'm happy your awake..."

"And I'm happy you didn't die saving my life."

"You know it would take a lot more than that to get rid of my stubborn ass."

He chuckles while nodding his head. "Hey, weren't you supposed to be kicking ass in the fight club last night?"

The fight was supposed to take place last night, but due to the current circumstances I was forced to forfeit the fight. I lost the chance at some serious money, but I'm not mad about it, eventually I'll get back to kicking ass. This here was a lot more important.

"I decided to forfeit because one of my friends got themselves hit by a car and I had to give them like all my blood. So yea, I'll get back into the saddle as soon as I can stand without falling on my ass."

"Well, that's an awfully kind thing to do for a frieeeennnddd."

"Okay, Valdez, I consider you a friend, happy now?"

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