Sincerely, GS Part 1

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Mattia's POV

-Monday afternoon-

5 hours after I got to the Mansion and still no message.

"How fucking long does it take to send a FUCKING MESSAGE!" I was getting impatient and I couldn't keep waiting. "We all need to just accept he didn't send shit!"

Sammie turned to me with a 'shut the fuck up' face on. "Come on, Mattia, we need to keep hope. This could take up to 8 hours. We still have 3 hours to go... have some FUCKING patience."

I scoffed. "Fine, Ima go check on my girl. She shoulda been out of school a couple hours ago. I'll be right back." I walk to the door. "If anything changes, call me, let me know right away." I step out and head towards my room.

Mia Bellezza wasn't there, so I checked her room.


I went over to the living room and found Ale and Carlo playing Call of Duty on the TV.

I pull off his head set and throw it to the side of the couch next to him. "Aye! Ale, where is Bella? She's not in my room or hers."

He looked at me with a look of surprise and nervousness.

"Well, she kinda went- uh... w-with... uh with-" He stuttered way to damn much.

"Fucking who-"

I was interrupted by my phone. It rang and as soon as I saw Sammie's name I answered.

I put the phone to my ear and waited for her to say something first.

"Mattia... it's Santana." As soon as I heard his name my blood began to boil with rage! Then I thought back to ale and his nervousness and who he was so anxious to tell me Bella was with.

"Alejandro..." I looked him dead in the eyes. "Who is she with?" I asked, slow and clear.

"Santana." His voice was barley above a whisper.

I swear my heart stopped for a split second as I thought of every possible danger Mia Bellezza was in right now.

"Sammie! Get a team together now! Bella is with him!" I shouted into the phone.

Everyone suited up and got into different cars. I immediately called Bella.

"Bella, act calm. Do not let him know there is anything wrong."

There was a short pause.

"Umm, sure... put her on the phone, I'll talk to her." I could tell she was trying to conceal the momentary shake in her voice.

"Bella, we know who has been behind the attacks... please, go somewhere public and text me your location now." I said, making sure to speak quietly but clearly so he wouldn't be able to hear me.

She took in a breath and spoke. "Zdravstvuy, YA v zakusochnoy na vos'moy ulitse, ya prishlyu vam moye mestopolozheniye... Kto eto sdelal (Hello, I'm in a diner on 8th street, I will send you my location... Who did it)?"

Russian, she speaks Russian. "Huh, why am I not surprised that you speak Russian as well. I will await your location-" I was about to hang up when-

"Podozhdite (Wait)!" I winced at her frantic tone. Careful, Bella. Don't give yourself away... "Eto kto (Who is it)?"

She wanted to know... but I couldn't risk her tensing up. She had to act as normal as possible. If he knows she knows... he won't need to be so calm anymore.

"Bella... I'm coming!"

I hung up.

Soon after I ended the call I got a text on my phone. Her location.

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