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Mia's POV

I sat there as he stared into my eyes and told me he would be there for me. I didn't know why but with Mattia I felt safe. Like everything would be okay if I was in his arms. I didn't know what to think though. To me it didn't make sense, how I felt around him. Why do I keep telling myself he is just my friend when I know that's not what I believe. I should just tell him how I feel!

"Next!" I said attempting to bring us both back into reality but he didn't even flinch. I looked back down at my paper and read the next question. "What's one thing you want, but are afraid to admit to?"

I thought for a second. "A relationship with my mom. Even after everything she did, sometimes I wonder if what we once had could be salvaged. I don't know, maybe it's too late. I mean, I have been the one telling her that for years." I roll my eyes at my own stupidity. Then I turn to Romano for his answer.

"A happy future. A wife I love, beautiful children, so many of them. I want to be away from all this... it just sometimes occurs to me that I will most likely live the life my father has. I guess that's why I have never said it out loud, I know I can't have it."

And now it's my turn to squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"Hey do you wanna go for a walk?" His question took me by surprised but I nodded.

We walked to the park, the same one we had before. By now the sun was low in the sky, on the verge of setting. We walked and talked and ended up getting some food on our way back. We went inside a little pizza shop and ordered a pizza to share. When we were just finishing up I got a text on my phone.

Mom: "Hey honey, probably won't be home tonight, go ahead and eat without me. Busy day at work."

I knew that when she texted like this it was a no questions asked scenario and to be honest I didn't care. I guess Mattia saw the annoyance on my face because he looked up at me questioningly.

"My mom, she isn't coming home tonight, do you mind giving me a ride home?"

"No, never. But... maybe you should stay the night?"

I looked at him confused and he smiled. "As friends?"

"Of course." Another smile.

We left a check and went back to his house. I got into his room and changed. He let me borrow a pair of his boxers and a long sleeve that was way to big on me. I laughed as I came out of the bathroom in his clothes.

"It suits you."

We head to his living room and we watch a movie while sharing a blanket and popcorn.

He was wearing another white tank top and a pair of grey sweats. We watched See No Evil, Hear No Evil, which inevitably made us laugh HELLA. Carlo soon joined us and then Leo, and Samuel. Then Sammie soon after.

When the movie was over we watched the Godfather. I felt it was strange how every now and then everyone would steal smirks, laughs, and glances at each other. Like they knew something I didn't. After we finished the second movie we all left to our rooms. Mattia lead me to a guest room and got me some blankets. As he left before he closed the door on his way out he whispered something.

"Are you sure you want to stay here, you'd be much warmer in my bed with me..."

"I'm pretty sure, thanks."

I know he's smirking even in the dark. He closes the door and I lay my head back on my pillow.

After an hour of trying to close my eyes and drift off, finally I give up. I get up out of the bed and open the door to step out. I walk to Mattia's room. Open the door silently and walk to his bed. He seems asleep so I quietly lift the covers and bury myself in them next to him. I cuddle up close and feel his warm body emitting heat and helping me to relax. I whispered goodnight into his ear and gave him a peck on his relaxed forehead. Then out of no where I feel him wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer. Without opening his eyes he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and whisper back.

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