The Letter: The Final Chapter; For Real This Time

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Mattia's POV

I walked into her room and slammed the door. I bent on my knees at her bed seeing that her window was opened and her bedsheets were sticking out. I cried.

I cried a lot.

She was gone. She left me. He took her.

Hours ago I saw Bella speed off in my car to the city. We tried following her, but we lost her. We went straight back to the warehouse, but by the time we got there it was empty. I saw Carlo crying on the floor down the block and he told me what happened. He was in one of the get away cars and Santana had caught up and shot the driver. He took Carlo back and used him to get to Bella. She left with him and Carlo said it was his fault. I didn't blame him though. I blamed Santana. He stole her from me and now he would pay.

I stood and cleared my eyes trying to think where they could be and how to find her. Then I saw a piece of paper on the desk in the corner.

I walked up and read what it said.

Dear My Orso,

I'm sorry. I had to go. I know this wasn't a part of the plan... but I couldn't let him kill Carlo. I'm sorry for not being able to talk to you in person one last time. I'm also sorry that I didn't get to kiss your lips before I left.

However, I know I will see you again. I don't know when, but I know I will.

I just want you to know that I would too.

When time has passed and I'm done with school, and you're Capo, and you live in New York... I would want to be with you then too. I will be in your arms again. I will come back to you. Because in your arms is my favorite place to be.

I know I never got to tell you this in person, and it breaks my heart, but I LOVE YOU, ORSO! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are My Love, and I will find you again...

Until then, do not forget to keep going to the park and eating a cubano for me, at least once a month.

Love, Your Bellezza

End of Book One

Author's Note: OMG End of Book One! Thank you for those who made it to the Final Chapter and I hope you stay tuned for Book 2!

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