We ALL Know Your Name

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Mattia's POV

I thought I was doing the right thing.

I thought that sending Bella back to her mom was going to keep her safe. Shielded from harm.

I thought there was a big red target painted on me and my family and Bella would only be safe if I sent her away from us.

I thought placing all the security I did would be enough.

But that target was also painted on Mia Bellezza... I knew that now.

Keeping her away made me almost loose her... again.

Being so focused on my Mafia almost got her hurt, and almost got her killed.

I was distracted at a party where I knew the invitees would not be so honorable.

Yet still, I failed to protect her... again.

Santana got close. Too close. However as much as I hated the guy... he may have saved her.




Because I was too busy putting on a show for my fucking guests who were just here to benefit off of me. They didn't really like me or know me or have any intentions of making me happy. These girls were just doing a job. That's all their ever gonna do. Wearing a ring, saying 'I do.' Bearing my children and carrying on my family name. All while she sits back and enjoys life. All of it was just a fucking job description. I didn't want to marry any of them.

I wanted to wait. Wait until I felt a spark. A feeling so powerful I would live the rest of my life knowing I found... Her. The one.

I know it was wishful thinking and some may even call me naive.

But it's what I wanted. And I had all the time in the world to carry out my name... I didn't need or want to choose a wife after 7 days of knowing them. That is what is expected of me... not what I want.

I want something real. Genuine.

Something like what I already had.

I'll admit it. Sometimes I think about what Bella and I would become if things were different. Would we stay together for a long time? Would we break up after a few more months? A year? Years? Ever?

I asked myself these questions all the time. Until three little words that scared me so damn much would dance around in my head. A single phrase that shook me to my core... and changed so damn much.

I love her...

Did I love her? Did I even know what love was? Did she feel the same way?

I know I care about her like something I have never felt before... but was it love?

After the Ball my father and the Irish mob leaders went to discuss tactics for attacking Raymond Santana for what he did. My father gave them the information they needed and told them they had to deal with it by themselves and it had nothing to do with the Itlaians. My father did this because Bella would have been hurt if Sanatana didn't kill the Irish bastard when he did. For that we would repay him by not helping the Irish this time, but that was it our debt to him was repaid. The Irish understood and left it at that. Although they tried to say it was my Angels fault it happened in the first place. I was about to fucking knock someone's teeth out, so I left the room for the remaining hour or so.


I hear her beautiful angelic voice and turn my glance at her to my right. She sat in the passenger seat, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

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