The Meeting

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WARNING: Long chapter AHEAD



Mia's POV

"Santana, what the fuck do you think you're doing with her?!?"

I turn my head to see Mattia standing a few feet away from us. The reality of what he just said begins to sink in and I yank my hand away from Guero and stand from my stool at the bar.

"Relax, Romano, we were just having drinks."

"Santana?" My voice, starting at a barley audible whisper, begins to falter. My face begins to contort with anger. "Raymond SANTANA?!?!?!" My hands ball up into fists, my jaw clenches, my sight begins to blur with anger! I spent hours of my life hanging out and talking to this man as he hid his identity from me and made me believe that I could actually like him.

Before I knew it I flung myself straight for Santana, but a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in close to the adonis like body I knew so well.

"Hey, hey. Bella, calm down, it's okay." Mattia held me tight as I tried to set myself free from his arms. However, somehow his voice calmed me down and made me stop my resistance. I felt myself go numb with anger.

The emotion coursing through my veins. The anger, loathing, and hate I felt towards one person was truly terrifying. Although, right now I was mostly angry at the fact that he had managed to trick me into liking him. That was the worst part, that for a split second, I thought of him as a friend.

Mattia looked me in the eyes while releasing his hold and spoke. "Bella, why don't you go take a minute? I'll deal with Santana."

Every nerve in my body is telling me to stay where I am and break this punk ass bitch's nose for playing with me. For lying and making me think I could trust him! By the look in Santana's eyes I knew he knew exactly who I was. I knew he was lying to me to get close to me. In that moment, he deserved every last thing I wanted to do to him... none of which were going to end well for him.

"Bella..." Mattia's voice interrupted my thoughts and I decided to do as he advised before I gut the mutha fucker!

"I don't ever want you to talk to me again." With those last words to Santana I left. I went to my room and changed into some warmer clothes.

I called Curly and asked him to pick me up

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I called Curly and asked him to pick me up. When he got here he texted me and I left home with him. When we got home I decided today would be a better day to sleep with him. In his arms was one of the few places where I felt the safest at all times.

After setting my stuff down in my room I walked downstairs and knocked on Curly's door. "Am I cleared to come in?"

Curly quickly opened the door and let me in. "Since when do you knock?"

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