Until We Meet Again: The Final Chapter

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Mia's POV

"Oh, I don't think you wanna do that this time... Bellezza."

His words were cold and menacing. I stopped, feeling a chill on my spine.

"Or what." I said.

"Or you might just not find out about the incredibly delicious bargain I have thought up." His tone was giddy and excited. It sent shivers through me. I felt a cold gut feeling that something was wrong.




I looked at Mattia with terror and panic on my face. I muted myself and told him to call everyone we know, my friends, his friends, family, everyone.

"What do you want, Santana." I kept my voice cold and stern.

"Now, how about you call me Babe, I think it suits me better, don't you?" He said, in his annoying thick voice that made me want to punch him in the throat.

"In your dreams, Santana." I said. Putting extra emphasis on the 'Santana'.

"Very much so, Bellezza."

He sighed and I repeated my question, more stern this time. "What do you want, Santana!"

"You." He answered, quickly and to the point.

"Over my dead body!" Growled Mattia, not able to hold back his hatred any longer.

"Well that is ideal." He answered. "But, not all that necessary. If you wish to keep your so called, soon to be ex, boyfriend alive, I will comply."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well, you see, tonight at midnight, you and I will be leaving to MY Mansion where you will live with me and bare my children along with your wedding ring from me."

"You're a crazy son of a bitch, you know that?" I said, refusing to let myself panic. Mattia has so far called Sammie, Leo, Samuel, Khalil, Nia, and Malia. They were all safe. But that wasn't even half of the people we cared about.

"Well, I'm not that crazy, and I can tell you right now that... it's gonna happen."

"What's your bargain, Santana, stop playing your fucking games and get on with it." I half barked.

"Well, you see..." I held my breath, involuntarily. "I have some people you might care to see again." I let out a sigh. Fuck. I knew this would happen. "And if you don't come to my by midnight tonight. You'll never see them again. In other words, I'll put a rusty bullet in their mouths."

"W-who... who do you hav-ve." I was shaking with fear. This couldn't be.

I saw Mattia dial one more number and he tilted the phone to me to see the ID. It was Curly. There was a few rings, and then I let out a sigh when he picked up. I closed my eyes in relief.

Then I heard that cold, cold voice come from Mattia's phone. "Well, for starters... your friend. You know? The one you call... Curly?"

"No!" I let out a scream and clutched onto Mattia. They had him! HE had him!

Mattia hung up and took my phone from my hands. "Who else?" He asked.

"A little Carlo Romano, and a pretty little Jada-Lee. Also a feisty Magdelena, and a boy with a big mouth. Adrian I believe he's called."

I felt the sobbs streaming down my face.



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