Break In

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Mattia's POV

I stood there. In the middle of the hallway. Unable to look her in the eyes. How could I stare into those beautiful green eyes and tell her that she couldn't be with me. When all I wanted was to hold her close to my body and never let her go. But the cold reality was her being in a 20 mile radius of me put her in danger. As much as I wanted her with me, I also wanted her alive. And I couldn't do both. It wasn't possible.

"As much as I wish it wasn't true, it is. Staying away from me is the best thing for you. You just don't know it yet."

"Then tell me! I'm tired of being so fucking clueless-"

"I slept with her! I slept with my fiancée. I shouldn't have to feel guilty about that! I really shouldn't."

At this point no matter what I said. She had to go. She had to stop being everything I thought about all the time. If she had to hate me forever... so be it. It didn't look like she needed me anyway.

She stayed quiet, so with that I left, and it felt like a piece of my heart had been broken off and left with her.

The rest of the day passed by in a blurr. Any chance Nessa got she was clinging to my side refusing to let me from her sight.

By the time 6th period rolled around the corner Nessa was getting into it with Bella... again! We were assigned to do partner work, and since Nessa's request for a partner swap was denied she sat as close to us as she could.

Then after the bell rang Bella came over to me to talk about when we should work on the project again. As awkward as that would be, the final was due soon and we had to turn something in.

Nessa came over and put herself in between Bella and I. She pressed close to my body as she usually did when Bella was around and touched my neck with her hand. She tried to bring my face down for a kiss, but I rejected her and looked at Bella.

"So what were you saying?" I asked. Sort of annoyed Nessa had interrupted us.

"Well, if your Wifey's okay with it... we have to work on the project sometime this week."

The way she  referred to Nessa as my 'Wifey' made my heart sting. Then, Nessa opened her mouth yet again...

"What are you still doing here?!? You are nothing but a dumbass hoe who thinks she can get with MY man! I would suggest you stop being such a thirsty BITCH because Mattia only has eyes for me and my beauty and loyalty! Both of which are things you will NEVER have! So GET LOST!"

Okay. That's it! Nessa is really crossing the line! What makes her think she can talk like that about Mia Bellezza! I was very close to saying something, but, yet again, Bella beat me to it.

"Ha! Bitch! I can bet you my much more real than yours left boob that my phone's battery life lasts longer than you're 'loyalty'." Bella seemed amused by the fact that Nessa was now fuming.

"You really think you can talk to me like that? I am not-"

"You know I really give two fucks who you think you are better than. At this point it's all bullshit in my books."

Nessa rolls her eyes dramatically, attempting to act as if Bella doesn't really get under her skin.

"Keep rolling your eyes, Penny, maybe you'll find a brain back there." Added Bella.

Nessa clenched her fists and spoke through gritted teeth. "My name is NOT Penny!"

"Well, let's see, you're pretty two-faced and not worth much..." Bella shrugged her shoulders innocently. "coulda fooled me."

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