Death of a Child

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Author's Note: Double Update because I forgot!


Mattia's POV

"Mattia!" The look of terror on Mia Bellezza's face scared me more than anything. She pulled my body with great force, and the next thing I know...


I felt a sharp pain in my arm as I fell to the floor. Then... silence. Silence from the only person I wanted to talk to me. To tell me she was okay.

The screams of the crowd as they swarmed and ran from us was all drowned out by Bella's silence.

I felt a few tugs on my body, and heard a few people yell at me saying random things I couldn't hear... I didn't move.

I couldn't move. If Bella was bound to stay here I would stay here with her. Her breathing was staggering as I called her name. Her body motionless. She was dying. She was dying and there wasn't anything I could do about it.

I called her name. I screamed her name. I begged for her to open her eyes, to talk to me. I yelled and yelled over the crowd and until my voice became inaudible as well. There was just my Angel and I... and right now life was threating to take her out of it.

"Mattia! Mattia, we need to get her to the Mansion now!"

I heard the persons calls, but I couldn't bring my body to move.


I felt a wave of terror shake my body to the core at their words. No. She couldn't die. I wouldn't let her die. Not today! Not ever!

I looked at the person now standing over me and shaking me violently. It was Leo. I looked to him and he pleaded with his eyes for me to get up. For me to stop sulking and help her. She needed me right now and I needed to get up off my ass and help her! I stood and picked up Mia Bellezza's body in my arms. He grabbed me and we began running.

I ran despite the piercing pain in my bicep telling me I was holding to much weight with an arm that had been shot. I ran despite the cold air hitting my face and blinding my eyes as the tears that I wouldn't let fall began to freeze over in my eyelids. I ran despite the dizziness that I felt after loosing so much blood, as if the world was against me. I ran and I ran... I ran for the body I held in my arms. The angel that did not deserve to die today. The angel I wouldn't let die today.

We ran down an alley and past a building, trying to stay under the cover of the shadows. We spotted the black range rover, waiting for us, a few hundred feet away, and ran to it as fast as we could, jumping in and placing Misa in the back. The SUV drove down the streets of Miami until it finally pulled up at the Mansion.

The next thing I know men are opening the back doors, rushing me out, and carrying away my angel. I try to go after her, but the sets of arms holding and leading me away are too strong. Soon, Bella has disappeared into the Mansion, and I am being pulled towards my room.


It has been 2 hours since I have seen her. I don't know how she is, nor what has happened to her. I just keep hearing "She's a fighter, that one." and "Don't worry, the doctors are doing their best."

I have been lying in my bed, restlessly waiting for someone to give me some real information, even if it takes hours. I can not sleep knowing Mia Bellezza is... is dying.

Eventually, I decide that I will just go to the infirmary and find her myself. I get to the door and raise my arm to place my hand on the doorknob. A stabbing pain then radiates from that arm, so I let it fall and use my left arm to open it instead. Muscle memory is going to be a pain in the ass now.

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