On the DL

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Mia's POV

After hearing the news that there was a lead on the break-in culprits, Mattia and I rushed down to the meeting room in the West Wing. We told Enzo to meet us down there as soon as he could. When we arrived V, Rico, and Samuel were already there.

"Mattia, Misa, glad you're here. You need to here this." V was the first to greet us as we walked in, she nodded to Rico, who obviously had something important to share.

"Well, we looked all over the place. The infiltration was done very professionally and with a team, and with any luck, I think we just found their leader." His eyes are wide, and I can tell he has been resting very little and working very much. "We looked into the soldiers under Rafael's command at the time of his rebellion, and get this, his right hand man to it all, Alessandro Esposito, was one of the few men that openly confessed to their roles in assisting Rafael in his times of treason. We charged him with his treacherous crimes, but his punishment went without death. He was told that if he were to ever show his face in any of our provinces we would kill him on the spot. No questions asked. He moved to Beijing and has been staying there ever since. Except he recently moved back to the states... and it was under your father's orders."

Mattia doesn't say a word. He just stands there. Unmoving. I can practically see the millions of thoughts going through his head. So many questions.

Then, as if right on cue, Enzo walks into the room.

"What did I miss. What is this strong lead I have been hearing of." As Enzo speaks the whole room goes silent.

Until Mattia breaks this silence with the question everyone has been dying to ask. "Alessandro Esposito. What do you know about him? Tell us everything."

Enzo obviously did not expect that name to come out of his mouth. Not at all. "Uh- Ahem. Alessandro Esposito. Well, ..." and he told us everything. At least, everything that we already knew.

"C'mon, Dad we know there's more! There has to be!" Mattia's outburst had made the whole room quake. I, however, understood his frustration. The culprits had killed two of Mattia's family members and almost killed him and Nessa. It was clear they had some sort of motive, and they weren't going to stop until they got what they wanted.

Enzo sighed. "Okay... back when I was looking for Raymond Santana I was, frustratingly, hitting dead end after dead end. I couldn't find him, and I had my best men on his case. I needed more information, so I asked the one person who might know something. Alessandro. Sandro was the soldier who was in charge of occasionally checking on Raymond and his mother back when Rafael was supporting them. He soon stopped, but in that time, Sandro gathered the pieces of information I needed, and after I got them Raymond was finally found. I tried everything, and I knew I shouldn't have gone to him, but he was my last option. When I asked for his help he told me that the only way I was going to get him to talk was by granting him one favor. In my desperation I didn't even ask him what the favor was. After he told me what he knew he said that all he wanted was to be permitted back in the states. He didn't even want back into the mafia. He just wanted to see his family again. I didn't think much of it and granted him his favor. As soon as he got back he started dealing. I assume he was involved in some street gang, so I haven't payed much attention to it. Just the fact that he is a grown ass man at the bottom of his bracket in the gang game is shameful enough. He was desperate, and I am sure the chinese were giving him hell back in Beijing. He would have taken anything I offered."

"Dad, he was no where to be found for a week during the time of the break in. The fact that he was involved in a gang can also explain his man power. I mean there were signs of a few other guys with him the day of the break in, and when I was attacked he had three guys with him. I shot them all, but the leader got away after they took their shot at me. This can't be a coincidence."

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