Just a quick note! 😘

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Hey guys! So just in advance, these are only stories. These aren't my actual views on how relationships should be. It's all for entertainment purposes. I get that loads of people don't like kink or controlling vibes. But, it is what it is. I wrote most of these so long ago. So I'm sorry if you don't agree with it. But it's only stories I came up with, based on how I was viewing Jerome. But none the less, thank you for reading anyhow. I love you guys bunches. And I greatly appreciate you all sticking with me for so long on these. It means the world to me. And as long as you all continue to want them, I shall do them until I see fit. Again, thank you bunches. Much love! 😘

🌃{Gotham Imagines}🌃Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt