Chapter 8 - Daddy dearest

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The brothers reunited and put their differences aside. More or less, anyway. Dean was reluctant at first, but he eventually called Sam back after basically telling him to go to hell first. He was surprised when his brother showed up with Allegra. Jealous was perhaps a more appropriate description of what Dean actually felt when he saw them together.
Sam explained that Allegra found him in Oklahoma and convinced him to reach out. Dean appreciated what she had done for them, and she had, of course, been right about them needing each other, but he was disappointed nevertheless. Disgruntled, even. With Sam back in the picture, they couldn't be alone anymore. He wondered if that was why she'd done it...

Dean was still trying to figure out what Allegra meant when she said he could die because of her. The only power she had that could kill him instantly was the last plague, the killing of the firstborn. As long as he wasn't in any town she had to destroy or didn't actually piss her off that much, he should, in theory, be safe. 
But Dean had very little time to think about that. Because not only did he have to deal with his own apparent destiny as Michael's vessel, but Sam, as it turned out, was Lucifer's. They tried to keep a low profile from both angels and demons, but the job didn't really allow that.

Their cases went from strange to freakishly weird. First, there was the pagan god who was angry at his forest being cut down. Then this kid turned out to be the freaking Antichrist and vanished before they could hide him as Castiel told them to do. And Bobby, who'd gotten used to living in a wheelchair, and Dean himself got into some trouble after playing poker for years of human life instead of money.
And now, on top of everything, they were dealing with the Trickster. Again! That bastard had put the brothers in a never-ending time loop a couple of years ago, making Dean die over and over again, each time in a more gruesome or just plain laughable way.

The Trickster's new inventive way to mess with them was to trap them in tv shows; Dr. Sexy MD, a Japanese game show, a sitcom, and even CSI Miami! Castiel used Allegra as an anchor again, locking on to their souls, but the Trickster just zapped him away before he could help. sam and Dean eventually managed to stake the Trickster, which should've ended it right then and there, were it not that it was just another trick, and Sam got stuck in the Impala, Knight Rider style!
But Cas did manage to reveal something which got Dean thinking, and his suspicions turned out to be true. As soon as the Trickster turned Sam back to normal, they trapped him by lighting a circle of holy oil. The facade fell, and the son of a bitch was revealed to be none other than the Archangel Gabriel. They got him to talk but what he had to say was not at all reassuring.

"What you guys call the Apocalypse, I used to call Sunday dinner. That's why there's no stopping this because this isn't about a war. It's about two brothers that loved each other and betrayed each other. You'd think you'd be able to relate."

"What are you talking about?" asked Sam.

Gabriel chuckled.

"You sorry sons of bitches. Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it. Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father, and Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of Daddy's plan. You were born to this, boys. It's your destiny! It was always you! As it is in Heaven, so it must be on earth. One brother has to kill the other."

"What the hell are you saying?" Dean was getting seriously annoyed by this guy.

"Why do you think I've always taken such an interest in you? Because from the moment Dad flipped on the lights around here, we knew it was all gonna end with you. Always."

Dean glanced at Sam. His brother was thinking the same; this was insane.

"No," he said. "That's not gonna happen."

Gabriel sighed.

"I'm sorry, but it is. Guys, I wish this were a TV show. Easy answers, endings wrapped up in a bow... But this is real, and it's gonna end bloody for all of us. That's just how it's gotta be."

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