Chapter 13 - Put to the test

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Allegra decided not to tell anyone about Crowley and the scroll. She kept it and her notes in her room. Bobby wasn't the problem; she trusted him. Sam was. A couple of months had passed since Allegra'd found out he was still alive, and Sam kept saying he didn't know who sprung him out of the Cage nor why. Allegra didn't know what to make of it. Angels had the power to bring people back, but they only did so if it was necessary for the bigger picture or whatever. If they wanted to pull a Cage heist, shouldn't it have been Michael instead of Sam? And then there was that other person who miraculously returned to the land of the living.

Samuel Campbell, Sam and Dean's grandfather on their mother's side, came back too somehow. He and Sam rallied all the Campbells who were still in the family business and went out hunting together. The one time Allegra met Samuel had been enough for her. She grew up without a grandfather (she always assumed her grandparents were dead, but of course, she never had any, to begin with), but she'd always imagined a bearded man with a warm smile whenever someone spoke of their grandfather. Like the old man on the mountain from the story of Heidi, one of her favorite books as a kid. But Samuel Campbell did not fit that image at all. He was bald, clean-shaven, stern, and to the point. 
Allegra made sure to stay away from him and the other Campbells. It took time to trust Dean, Sam, and Bobby, but she remained vigilant around any other Hunters she bumped into. But even so, she found herself sucked into the life. She worked on cases with the Winchesters before, but she never considered herself as a Hunter per se. Now she realized she was becoming just that.

Bobby gave Allegra a cell phone with some important numbers in it and arranged fake IDs for her, but somehow she always got away with using her real name. All dressed up in a two-piece with some heels, and she actually passed for a lawyer aiding the FBI. Allegra didn't like the idea of pulling credit card scams, so she instead got a job as a secretary at the sheriff's station so she could put some money aside.
Neither Sam nor Bobby liked her working with sheriff Mills, but it actually came in handy having someone on the inside. And the sheriff knew she lived with Bobby (the story was she was his cousin) and was also aware of his life as a Hunter of the supernatural, so she didn't ask questions when Allegra said she couldn't make it to work.

Allegra mostly worked cases with Bobby, though Sam would sometimes call to ask if she wanted to join him. She made up excuses at first, but she couldn't keep saying no to him. And Bobby started to notice she was avoiding him, which earned her some gruff huffing and puffing. To do him a favor, she called back.
She teamed up with the youngest Winchester on the more dangerous jobs, and every time they were together, Allegra kept a close eye on Sam. He looked okay physically. He looked like Sam. But after a while, she noticed he wasn't Sam. Not like she knew him anyway. He was more... no, not more. Less. 

He had this whole 'devil may care' thing going on. Actually, no, not even that. He didn't care at all. Not that he wasn't nice or friendly. He just reacted bluntly when he normally always sympathized with loved ones. The whole cop/FBI/inspector act was just all the more convincing because of it. And he didn't smile anymore. A grin once or twice, yeah, but he never smiled like he used to. Not once. It was like he was... empty.


After working yet another case with Sam, Allegra was glad to be back at Bobby's. She'd come to see the Hunter's house as home. She still had very little to call her own, but it was more than she had before. Her closet was more than half empty, but at least her clothes were hanging instead of stuffed in her pack (which was thrown to the back of the closet). She had books in her room, just like when she was a kid. Most of them came from downstairs, others she 'borrowed' from library archives and old bookstores (Allegra always wrote down where she got them from so she could return them after reading). She had a place that was her own for once.
Allegra climbed the stairs to her room and casually threw her green leather jacket on her bed when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around, half expecting Bobby to welcome her home. Instead, she saw Sam walking straight into her room and closing the door behind him. She sighed and crossed her arms.

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