Chapter 21 - Deals and tricks

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"Were you born stupid, or are you really that screwed up?"

Allegra rolled her eyes and rubbed her temples. She was growing tired of this discussion.

"Bobby, for the last freakin' time, I am not going to see the Winchesters!"

She heard him huffing and mumbling something along the lines of "damn stubborn girl making my life miserable" as he walked into the kitchen to get the biggest bottle of whiskey he could find. Allegra knew he was only trying to help (after her little one-on-one with Balthazar, she finally decided to come clean to him, resulting in a one-sided yelling match), but he just kept insisting she dragged her ass over to Sam and Dean and begged them for help when she already made it plenty clear the Winchesters were a no-go. They had their own problems anyway. Allegra refused to throw her own seemingly unfixable problems on top of the never-ending pile of drama and misery.
Especially after Dean called Bobby with the news that the thing she and Dean had both feared so much but had never mentioned out loud was true. Sam's soul was still stuck in the Cage with Lucifer and Michael. Whoever brought him back left behind the most important part of him, the part that made Sam... Sam. It explained everything; the way he was acting, the emptiness inside him...

Now that Allegra knew where he was, she attempted to reach Sam's soul so she could pull him back, similar to what she'd done with Dean all those years ago. The Cage, however, proved too powerful for her. It threw her back every time she pounded on its walls. 
But Allegra refused to give up. She tried and tried until she was completely drained. Every single night for almost three weeks now. The dark circles she bore under her eyes from sheer exhaustion were proof of that. That, and the added stress of not being able to translate that damn last line on the stupid papyrus scroll. She'd consulted each book Bobby had on the Aramaic language five times already, but for some reason, Allegra couldn't find the right symbols for that final sentence. It vexed her immensely. So Bobby breathing down her neck was the last thing she needed right now. 

"Screw it. I'm going to see Crowley," said Allegra as she got up from her seat.

"Young lady, don't you dare!" warned Bobby in a serious tone as he re-entered the living room from the kitchen. "You sit your ass back down right now!"

"Bobby, I got no choice here! Everything I've translated confirms what he and Balthazar told me, but I refuse to believe that all this, the plagues, the lives lost, my own life is just so that I can be a freaking baby factory!"

"I get you want answers, kid. Believe me, I do. But the less you deal with that demon, the better. You're in way over your head already. I know you're an all-powerful hybrid who kicks ass, but it ain't gonna be easy to make a bastard like Crowley believe you can beat him. Not unless you pull some serious tricks out of your hat."

"If I can make Dean believe I want Lucifer out of the Cage, I can make Crowley believe he's right to fear me."

"Yeah, well, that boy's an idiot. Crowley isn't."

"Neither am I, Bobby. Don't forget who raised me."

"That's what worries me."

Allegra looked over at Bobby. He looked so concerned for her. Like a father should... She took a step toward the old Hunter so she could reassure him but then, all of a sudden, she was pulled back, and Allegra found herself lying in the dirt in the middle of a graveyard. She crawled up and searched for Bobby, but he wasn't there with her, so Allegra assumed that whatever or whoever Houdinied her away only needed her.

It was near dusk, so that meant she was in a different time zone. It'd been only a little past noon in Sioux Falls. Allegra walked past some of the graves. MacIntosh... Douglas... Drummond... MacLennan... Fraser... These were all Scottish names. She halted at a familiar name; Fergus MacLeod.

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