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Izuku opened the door of class 1F to see the students all chatting between themselves. Suddenly...

Hatsume: Hey! It's you! - she said as she got up to his face.

Izuku: Hello Hatsume - he said as he pushed her a bit away.

Hatsume: I knew you would get into the class! Finally, someone that truly understands me!

Izuku: Yeah yeah, we should probably sit down before the teacher comes.

Hatsume: Right!

Hatsume and Izuku sat down while Hatsume kept bombarding Izuku with different questions and talking about her babies. Izuku, despite being mildly annoyed by Hatsume's non-stop chattering, actually enjoyed his little conversation with her. Ever since the accident, the only person he had genuinely talked to was Dan, so it was nice of having someone his age to relate to.

After 15 minutes, Power Loader came in, and everyone immediately sat on their desks.

Power Loader: Hello class, you may already know me from the exam, but I must introduce myself again, I am Power Loader, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of your year here, now, to begin with, everyone, please follow me to the auditorium we will be taking orientation, they will explain you the basics about the school, and you will be introduced to the staff, so follow me.

The students did as told and stood up and went with Power Loader. They reached the massive auditorium were the rest of the first-year classes were already there, except for class 1A. Class 1F sat down in their designated space, and they waited for 10 minutes until Nezu stepped to the podium and began to speak.

Nezu: Greetings, new students! My name is Nezu, and I am your principal, and I am here to introduce you to our school rules, staff, and more, so to begin with...

Nezu began to give his speech. Meanwhile, Izuku had spaced entirely out into another plane of existence. He was brought down to earth when a massive earthquake shook the entire school.

Nezu: Please calm down, there is nothing to worry about, that must have been class A who are doing practical quirk tests right now.

Immediately the auditorium began to fill up with whispers.

Student 1: Who is so vital to creating an earthquake?

Student 2: They must be mighty!

Student 3: You probably don't want to piss them off.

Student 4: Pft, just that, we can definitely do better. (I guess you know who this is)

Izuku: 'That must have been Izumi, she may be a complete knucklehead, but her power is certainly real, sadly she doesn't even know how to use it properly.'

Nezu: Okay, quiet down, let's continue...

After what seemed like hours without end, finally, Nezu stopped speaking, and the students were allowed to go.

Once they reached the classroom, Power Loader forced them to introduce themselves, such as name, goals, and quirk. Izuku really didn't want to do it as he remembers the last time he had to do it in middle school and how the students broke down in laughter after hearing that he was quirkless. Izuku, to his surprise, none of the students made fun of him, many praised him for having gotten to UA without a quirk, so Izuku got the chance to interact with some of them. He found his new classmates to be really pleasant, especially after comparing them to his old classmates. Some still refused to acknowledge him, but they didnt seem hostile towards him, not openly.

Mind and Might (A Quirkless Hero!Deku Fanfic)[HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now